chapter twelve

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My eyes popped out of my head when I went through the menu. I leaned over the table. "Are you seeing these prices, too?" I whispered to Ruel.

"Yes, I see them. It's fine." He reassured me. I shook my head. "This stuff is expensive. You realize that I don't need to have all of this expensive stuff, right?" I looked back over at the menu.

"Come on, it's my treat." He said with his award-winning smile. He looked effortlessly amazing. With his button-up shirt, which I could tell made him uncomfortable and his khaki pants.

The waiter came up to us, bringing us our waters. "Have you guys decided on what you would like to eat this evening?" The waiter asked, looking me up and down.

"I'll have the gnocchi." I quietly said, uncomfortable under his glares. "And I'll have the duck." Ruel said, slamming his menu shut. "Great, that will be out soon." The waiter said, collecting our menus.

As soon as the waiter was out of sight, Ruel leaned over the table. "What the fuck was that?" Ruel whisper yelled.

"I don't really know. Just don't worry about it." I said, putting my hand in his. He let out a loud sigh and kissed my hand.

After a couple of minutes of giggling at each other's jokes and talking, the waiter came back with our food.

He placed it in front of us and Ruel grabbed my hand, squeezing it lightly until he left.

I placed the gnocchi in my mouth and immediately closed my eyes, taking in the flavor. God, is that you? I swear I'm in heaven. I accidentally let out a moan and I opened my eyes to see Ruel laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat, feeding some to Ruel. When I was done I went to go to the bathroom and was washing my hands when my phone went off.

I rolled my eyes and made my way back to the table to see Ruel concentrating on the bill

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I rolled my eyes and made my way back to the table to see Ruel concentrating on the bill. He signed his name and closed the book, ready to leave. He stood up and met me and we made our way outside.

"So, Kenzie is spending the night with Coco. Do you want to come back to my hotel room?" I nervously asked. He nodded his head, and we made our way to the car.

In the car, he rested his hand on my thigh and I knew what was going to happen.

We talked in the car, there were a few moments of silence but none were awkward.

We made our way into the lobby and went over to the elevators. I pushed the up button, and the elevator came down a few seconds later.

We made our way to the fourteenth floor and walked down the long hallway to the room. I placed the key on the handle and opened the door.

When we made it in the room, Ruel pulled me into a kiss. I immediately kissed back, taking in the hint of mint on his lips.

The kiss soon became passionate, and we were fighting for dominance. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Ruel whispered after pulling away. I nodded, and he took me back to the bed.

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