Chapter Three - You're Not Lost on Your Own

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High school in America was just as annoying, if not more, than school back at Ouran. While the private academy in Boston was not nearly as extravagant, the teachers still walked around with the same self-important air. That didn't mean, however, that the twins found the studies any more enlightening. They often caught themselves watching the students around them taking notes with vigor, asking questions and studying hard. The twins were almost filled with envy watching others learn with such spirit in their hearts. What must it be like to be so easily entertained?

For Hikaru and Kaoru school was boring, though they found the pursuit of knowledge worthy. In class, however, their notes were more filled with doodles than facts. Several times Kaoru found himself focused on dress designs rather than past participles, mathematical proofs or important battle dates while Hikaru spent his time looking out the classroom windows, noting the way the shadows changed throughout the day. Or he was staring at the back of Haruhi's head.

It's not like he wanted to spend the time thinking about her, but his eyes would always travel to her shape when his mind wasn't completely focused.

Knowing something was bothering his brother, Kaoru had decided to pester his brother on their walk home from school that Friday. He would race ahead of Hikaru and stop right in front of him, causing his brother to suddenly stop or crash into him. Each time he suddenly stopped, Hikaru would let out a sigh of dissatisfaction until finally he had enough.

"Would you quit it," he growled, walking around his brother.

Kaoru grabbed his brother's wrist and swung Hikaru around to face him. He put both hands on his brother's shoulders and smiled straight at him.

"As long as I live, I will never stop pestering you," he said, looking straight into his eyes. "We're brothers. I'm your personal source of annoyance."

Hikaru shot his gaze away from his brothers face and let out another sigh before trying to turn away, but Kaoru refused to let him go.

"Look at me Hikaru," he said, gently moving his twin's face toward him with his hand. It was almost a forgein action. Kaoru was never the one to initiate. Hikaru responded by looking at his brother straight on with an annoyed glare, tight lips and a slightly tilted head.

"If I wanted this view I'd just look in a mirror," Hikaru spat.

"Well I don't see an exact reflection anymore Hikaru," Kaoru said, taking his hand off his brother's face and pointed a finger it toward his own mouth. "You see this? It's called a smile. My 'reflection' seems to have forgotten how to make one lately."

Hikaru stared at his brother blankly before turning up the ends of his mouth in a forced smile.

"Happy now," he asked through gritted teeth.

"It's not my happiness we should be worried about Hikaru," he said ruffling up his brother's hair.

He linked his arm through his Hikaru's and turned him toward home, taking a small step in that direction. With arms intertwined, Kaoru let the conversation lull until they reached the outskirts of their apartment complex. He stopped suddenly, causing his brother, who was oblivious to the abrupt end of motion, to lurch backward.

"Kaoru what gives?"

Kaoru turned to face his brother, his eyes focused on the ground.

"I... I know you're hurting right now Hikaru. You know that I can feel it when you hurt this much. And, I know it's useless to tell you that eventually the pain with subside, but," Kaoru paused and moved his eyes up to meet his brothers. "But, I just think you are wasting your time throwing yourself into sadness over someone who has found their happiness elsewhere."

Kaoru threw his arms around his brother and pulled him into a soft hug. Moisture began to accumulate around the rims of his eyes as he whispered, "I just want you to find happiness."

Hikaru's eyes widened a bit as he took in what his brother said. That phrase seemed to be following him around like a shadow. It was no surprise that his twin could see right through him but, perhaps, Hikaru's emotions had been too obvious recently.

He wrapped his arms around Kaoru. "I must be really pitiful right now," he said, laughing into his brother's shoulder.

Kaoru pulled away from his brother, a slight smile on his face.

"You're telling me! If you're what I'm supposed to see when I look in the mirror, I may just drape sheets over them all."

A Song For Another Time - A Hikaru Hitachiin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now