Chapter Twelve - Text Me When You Get Home Safely

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When Rose got back to her dorm that night, she immediately took to studying on her bed. Papers, books, pencils and her laptop were scattered across the purple bedspread as she attempted to stay focused to the task at hand, but her eyes kept wandering to her cellphone. Every time a notification popped up on the screen, her eyes darted to the phone in anticipation and each time she would look away quickly in disappointment. The desired sender's name never illuminating the glass.

Get it together, she chided herself, patting her right cheek a few times. They made it home fine. And besides - Hikaru deserved it.

This pattern continued for two hours as Rose switched between subjects, trying to take in as much information as possible. Still, though, she found herself rereading the same line in her textbook or writing the wrong words down in her notes.

Sighing, she picked up her phone and clicked on the messages icon. She scrolled through the names before landing on the contact for "Grumpy Face." She selected the contact and proceeded to type. 

Checking in on the status of one Ginger and one Grumpy Face. Did you make it home okay?

It was a few minutes before her phone buzzed with an answer.

We're home. No thanks to you.

Rose chuckled to herself, both relieved that the boys made it home alright and with mild amusement at Hikaru's response.


A bruise or two, maybe. You should see the other guys.

Should I be calling the UN? Are we about to have an international conflict?


Be sure to tell them you were the root cause, though.

Rose smiled down at her phone before tossing it to the side and setting her sights back on her work. It may be Saturday night but to her that only meant she had fewer hours left to finish her work before Monday.

All too soon, however, her phone started buzzing again.

And you? Did you manage to make it home without threatening harm to anyone else?

Affirmative. Tucked in for a long night of studying.

And: I only save threats for special occasions.

You're studying? This late?

It's only 10 pm, Hitachiin. I've still got two more solid hours of work time to go.

Hikaru frowned at his phone, slightly dumbfounded, before turning it toward Kaoru for him to read. The two stared at each other for a moment before Kaoru shrugged.

"I mean, she is a 16-year-old in college. We should have already known she was a book-freak like Haruhi."

"Even so," Hikaru said, putting his phone down. "It's Saturday night. She shouldn't be spending it hunched over books until the dead of night."

"God," he continued. "She's so lame."

Just then Tamaki texted them all to meet up in his apartment, as Kyoya needed to discuss plans for the end of the month. The American Thanksgiving holiday was approaching, after all. The twins grumbled as they lifted themselves off the couch and made their way downstairs to meet with the rest of their friends.

Before they knew it, they were already back in their apartment, talking with excitement about their upcoming trip to Spain. The pair, though unknown to most others, were absolutely enthralled with Spain and Spanish architecture.

The twins were in a fervor, trying to plan out every single place they would go and what they needed to pack. However they soon realized a small hitch in their daydreams: neither one of them had ever had to pack for themselves before, let alone plan out a trip.

If they were lucky, Kyoya-senpai would have the details of the trip figured out to a tee, but the packing - well - that was going to be up them. Kaoru briefly suggested that Haruhi would certainly be able to teach them, but one look from Hikaru and he knew that his idea was as good as murdered.

"Well," said Kaoru staring at an empty suitcase. "I guess we can practice and figure it out now, so that we're ready for Spain."

"But I don't want to practice packing. That sounds boring," Hikaru whined.

"It's not like we have much other choice here, Hikaru."

An idea suddenly flashed before Kaoru's eyes. He looked up to his brother hesitantly as he spoke.

"We could always get your new flower friend to help us," Kaoru almost sang. "You could probably even invite her to come with us, if you wanted."

Hikaru responded with a blank stare. Why would he want that girl anywhere near his vacation to Spain? She would just ruin it, if anything. But, they did need help packing their suitcases and he supposed it would be rude to ask for help packing and not invite her in the process. So, he shrugged to his brother as if to say "why not."

Kaoru jumped from their bed and sprinted for Hikaru's phone. Before Hikaru could even attempt to grab for the phone, Kaoru was already listening to the dial tone and waiting for Rose to answer.

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