Chapter Twenty One - You're Gonna See It's Our Destiny

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Rose gasped as the chilly December air hit her in the face. She hadn't been thinking - running away like that - and she wasn't prepared for winter's kiss the second she stepped out of the building. She shivered as she stood on the stoop of the building and considered her options.

Who was she kidding? There weren't any options. She was too proud to turn back now. Instead she walked down a few steps and sat with her arms wrapped around herself, shivering. Then, she heard the building door open and shut lightly before a single pair of footsteps made their way toward her.

A gray coat was placed around her shoulders before its owner sat next to her. She stiffened a little as she felt his head rest on her shoulder.

"I didn't know he sent it," Kaoru mumbled.

"It's a lovely dress," Rose offered. "It's not your fault your brother is a tyrant."

Kaoru let out a small laugh as he lifted his head off her shoulder and turned to face her.

"He means well," he said, seriously. He had planned to defend his brother further but, of all things, his brother was terrible at timing. At that moment, he blast through the door with a frown on his face.

"Ran away to get cozy with each other?" he spat at the two. Rose's hard face cracked instantly as she laughed at the absurdity of the moment.

"First it was Mori and now it's your brother. I'm just so close with everyone but you. Aren't I," Rose chided. "That's some inferiority complex you've got there, Hitachiin."

She pushed herself up from the cold concrete and handed Kaoru back his coat with a smile. Then, she turned to Hikaru with a frown. She impulsively reached up and pressed down the crease in his brow.

"Lighten up," she whispered and dropped her hand by her side. Shivering a little, she walked toward the door. "I'm going to grab my coat and then we can go, okay?"

As she disappeared through the door, Kaoru turned to his brother with a huge smile on his face.

"She sees right through you Hikaru," he joked. "It must drive you crazy."

"Shut up," Hikaru mumbled, pushing his brother lightly.

"You see right through her too, though. How did you know that pissing her off would help," the younger twin asked, filled with curiosity. Despite the darkness of the winter evening, the red that crept up Hikaru's face was clearly visible.

"I wasn't intentionally trying to make her mad," Hikaru grumbled and his brother couldn't hold in his laughter, clutching at his stomach in an attempt to not fall over.

"You're. So. Hopeless," Kaoru said through laughs as his brother pushed at him with his left hand.

When Rose returned she opened the door to the sight of a pair of brothers swinging arms at each other. They continued on with their minor spar until she started coughing from trying to hold in her laughter. Surprised by her presence, the two instantly froze with their hands still grabbing on to each other. Smiling, Rose walked down the steps and then between the pair, forcing them apart.

"Come along boys," she said. Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other for a moment before falling in line behind Rose.

"Roooooose," Kaoru called to her with a sly voice.

"You don't know where we're going," Hikaru said, finishing his brother's thought.

"Oh, uhm.." Rose stuttered, stopping in her tracks. "Right... Well, lead the way Ginger!"

She pulled on Kaoru's arm and used the momentum to pull him in front of her, bringing him to the head of their trio. As Kaoru started leading the way, Rose slowed her pace slightly to move herself to Hikaru's side. Matching his pace, she tugged at his coat sleeve lightly in an attempt to get his attention.

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