Chapter Seven - Oh My, My, Sh*t

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As Hikaru made his way down the narrow dorm hallway he couldn't help but think that all the doors looked exactly the same. His head swiveled from side to side as he scanned the numbers on the wall, searching for the right room.

The twins had pestered Mori for hours to give him Rose's last name. Hikaru knew the two of them had worked on projects together. He knew Mori had the information he wanted and he was going to get it at any cost.

Now, Mori was a patient man, but he had never been at the center of a calculated "Hitachiin Twin Attack." Despite years of combat training, the psychological warfare Hikaru and Kaoru deployed (read: ceaseless annoyance) was well beyond his coping abilities.

He cracked after hour three.

To say each of the twin's friends was talented in their own way would be an understatement. Each and every one of them had stellar pedigrees topped off with extraordinary capabilities, but Kyoya, perhaps, had the most formidable skills. If they wanted information, Kyoya was his man.

Why Hikaru and Kaoru wanted the address of young college girl was far beyond Kyoya's rationale but anything with the twins involved would surely lead to an amusing end. After all, the Hitachiins' scheme were often anything but rational.

And, honestly, the work was not very hard. He had her school address in minutes.

The moment he had the last letter written down on a slip of paper, it was torn out of his hands. If he didn't know better, he would say he could see a trail of dust as the two boys raced out the door with a harmonious "thanks."

All of that scheming was coming to a head as Hikaru walked down the dorm hallway. His heart began to race a little with anticipation as he closed in on Rose's door and caught a hint of upbeat music playing behind it.

The music got louder as he stood in front of the door. As if acting on instinct, he pulled out his cell phone, opened the camera to record and held it right below his chest before knocking on the door.


Earlier that morning Rose had made plans with a particularly close classmate to get lunch and shop for a winter coat. She had spent the morning doing her homework and organizing her closet while listening to music. As she hung up her freshly cleaned cardigans on hangers she hummed along with the tune, contentment clear on her face.

It was a peaceful morning, a productive morning, and she was about to have a relaxing afternoon. After hanging the last item of clothing in her closet, she turned the music up on her laptop and allowed herself a moment of reckless abandon, knowing her friend would be there soon. Maybe they would go have tacos or have a simple lunch at the local cafe. When she got to the mall later, maybe she would look for a yellow coat. Who knew? There was joy in the possibilities.

When the Neon Trees began harmonizing through her speakers she couldn't help but dance.

Hey baby won't you look my way, I can be your new addiction, the band crooned while she lip synced into a pencil. As the song continued, she ran about her room, interpreting the dance through her movement and when she heard a knock at the door she couldn't help but want to share her melodic feature with her shopping buddy.

As if right on cue, she threw her door open with her left hand, pointed out the door with her right, closed her eyes and belted the chorus.

"It started with a whissssppppeeeer," she sang, bringing her left hand to her chest and resting her right in her hair, she continued. "And that was when I kissed heeer---ahhhhh."

She had opened her eyes on the last word to notice - far too late - that her audience was not in fact her sweet-faced classmate, but one tall and ash-haired teenager with a cellphone. In surprise she had squeaked the last note and immediately slammed the door in Hikaru's face.

With her back resting against the door, she brought her hands to her face and began mumbling to herself. Oh God. Oh God. OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod. She resolved to turn herself around and sneak a glance through the door's peephole, hoping that she had just dreamed Hikaru was standing there.

Luck wasn't on her side. There he stood, squarely in the middle of the lens, looking down at his phone with a smirk. Realization began to pour over her as she turned around and let her back slowly slip down the length of the door until she was sitting with her knees to her chest.

Outside Hikaru was elated. This was infinitely better than anything the brothers could have imagined. He had simply hoped to show up unannounced and freak her out, then later have his brother do the same. They wanted to confuse the living hell out of her. Instead he now had in his hands an embarrassing recording of Rose.

He smiled down at his phone as it saved the recording and then flicked the screen off before sticking it in his pocket. The little Hikarus inside his head were fist pumping as he leaned forward to knock on the door again.

"Rooooossseeeee," he sang. "It's Hikaruuuu."

A muffled voice replied. "Sorry there's no Rose here. You must be mistaken."

"Is that so? Then who was the short brunette that just gave me the concert of a lifetime," he replied coyly.

Slowly the door opened just a crack as a pink-faced Rose looked up at Hikaru from the ground and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Hikaru squat down to her level and pushed the door open a bit to ruffle her hair in triumph.

"I had no idea you were such an enthusiastic performer. You must give me tickets to the next show. You're a can't-miss show," he said laughing.

In Rose's mind she had already melted into a puddle and her body began to evaporate away. Her soul had left her body. There goes everything, she thought to herself. You're not calm and witty to him anymore. You're forever going to be known as a lunatic.

"Why is it you," she moaned.

Suddenly, a soft buzzing emitted from her pocket and Rose began to search for her phone. When she finally flicked the screen on she hung her head again.

"Can't make it. Something came up," the message read. "Let's go shopping tomorrow."

And just like that, the final nail was hammered into the coffin of Rose's hopes for the day.

A Song For Another Time - A Hikaru Hitachiin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now