Chapter Thirteen - Won't You Please, Please Help Me

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The boys hadn't bothered to look at the time before they decided to pester Rose. Time wasn't a concept they had fathomed in the instant. People around them said Hikaru and Kaoru lived in their own world - often in more ways than one - and it's impossible to live down something that's true.

Rose on the other hand knew perfectly well that it was half past midnight when her phone started singing to her and she grumbled when she saw the name dancing on the illuminated screen. She was so unhappy, and so incredibly tired, that she almost refused to answer the phone on principal. Instead, though, she forced herself to smile as she answered the phone.

"Grumpy face, do you know how late it is," she asked as she hit the green accept button.

"Is it late?" the voice on the other end reacted. "I had no idea, honest."

"Oh. It's not Grumpy Face. It's Ginger," Rose said with slight intrigue. "Why are you calling on your brother's phone at this hour?"

Kaoru immediately put his hand over the microphone on the cellular and turned to his brother.

"She knew it was me right away. That's no fun!"

In response, Hikaru snagged the phone out of his brother's hand and put it on speaker. "Hi Rose."

"Are you two trying to play games with me? It's too late this for," she warned. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight"

"Wait! Rose," Hikaru spoke with mild panic.

"What is it," she asked annoyed.

"Uh, well, we just got back from talking to our friends and they all decided to go to Spain for the holiday break, and, well, Kaoru and I wanted to know if you wanted to go," he said quickly. "And if you would, maybe, help us pack?"

Hikaru was feeling a little sheepish near the end of his remarks, while on the other side of the line, Rose's face was contorted in confusion.

"Uhm Hikaru, you're joking right?"

"Why would we joke about something like Spain," Kaoru asked, almost seriously.

"Boys. Do you know how long it takes to get a passport? Or how much it costs to buy tickets, not only out of the county, but for just a week into the future." Rose voice was heavily laced with sarcasm, but Hikaru swore he could hear just a little desperation in her tone.

"Uhm...No?" He wasn't quite sure what she wanted to hear as an answer.

"Spain sounds lovely, Hikaru, but I can't even afford to go home to Virginia for the holidays," she said simply, her emphasis possibly missing the mark with two foreigners.

The twins looked at each other in shock. Not going home for the holidays? How was that even possible?

"Then what are you doing for Thanksgiving," Kaoru asked, incredulous.

"Staying in the dorms and studying, of course," she replied, with a tone so flat it was as if there was no answer more obvious in the world. "Maybe I'll treat myself and order some pizza the day before."

"What?!" both boys exclaimed.

"It's not a big deal, really. I've done this the last two years, but I can make time to come help you guys pack your suitcases before you go," she said, before whispering, "I honestly can't believe you guys are so useless."

"We're not useless," Hikaru yelled. "And it's fine, we'll figure it o--"

He was cut off by Kaoru frantically covering his mouth.

"That would be great Rose. Can you come by next weekend," Kaoru asked, holding his brother down with one arm while pressing the phone to his cheek with the other.

A Song For Another Time - A Hikaru Hitachiin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now