Chapter Thirty Two - Set Fire to my Forest

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Each time Rose's eyes traveled back to the clock on the right wall of the room she silently cursed. Her right leg shook uncontrollably under her shared table with Caleb and she twitched every time he touched her shoulder to ask her if she was alright.

Maybe she just really needs to pee, he pondered as he watched her jitter around.

Time was moving entirely too slow, like each second was everlasting. For a class that was only 90 minutes, Rose felt like she had waited 10 years, just for 30 minutes to pass. Despite the fear pricking through her tense body, her mind was running simulations. How could she leave early? What excuse could she make? Maybe she could feign a stomach bug? Would it be suspicious if she dropped the class immediately after it ended?

In spite of her internal chants, begging the blonde in front of her to keep his attention on the professor, Lance kept sending glances her way as if to reassure himself she was really there. Each time he turned back, her grip on her pencil tightened but her eyes remained directly forward. She was ignoring him the best she could but his gaze burned her. It was like his eyes were making a game plan for later and she could already feel his hands on her.

As time drew nearer, Rose hastily packed her things away in her backpack, eager for a quick escape. She was already out the door by the time the old professor had finished announcing their dismissal.

Keep your head down. Blend in. Don't walk too fast. Don't grab attention. Keep your head down. Blend in... The chants kept circling in her head as she tried desperately to escape without notice. She'd barely made it halfway down the hallway when a hand grasped her shoulder.

"You're so quick Rose," an out-of-breath voice echoed near her ear and she jumped slightly. Her heart beat so fast she thought she might die right on the spot. "I didn't know someone so short could walk so fast."

Shakily Rose turned to face her seat partner as he stared back at her with a genuine smile. It's the second time he's frightened her and he's starting to wonder if she is scared of him for some reason.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Do you have another class to get to," Caleb asked, almost laughing.

She nodded, unable to speak.

"Oh, that's too bad. I wanted to catch up with you," he said, absentmindedly fiddling with his fingers. "We didn't see you all break, so we'll have to get coffee soon, okay?"

Caleb waited for a confirmation, but Rose's eyes weren't on him. She wasn't listening. Her attention was completely on a certain blonde moving nearer and nearer. Her mind was completely turned toward hoping he would move in another direction, or that his attention would be pulled away.

"Okay?" Caleb echoed his question.

Her attention snapped back to him, slight confusion muddled in her eyes as she tried to process what he asked.

"Uhm, sure," she mumbled. "I ... I have to go now. Bye" She turned without another word and practically ran away from him. Just as she rounded the corner of the hall, Lance stepped next to him with a sigh.

"You know what's up with her," Caleb asked, pointing to the spot where Rose just disappeared. "She's acting really strange today."

Lance's eyes stayed focused on the spot in the hallway where he watched Rose disappear with a slight frown upon his lips. He was silent, for perhaps a beat too long, before turning toward his friend with a lopsided grin.

"Hasn't she always been weird, though," he teased, pushing his hands into his pockets with a light shrug.

"Uhm," Caleb mumbled, trying to fill in the space in the conversation as troubling thoughts buzzed through his head. "I guess?"

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