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Y/n's POV
2 years ago
I looked over at Corbyn and smiled, he looked at me and smiled back. I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of it. I look out at the view in front of me, we were sitting in our spot, the spot where we would always go to get away from everyone, the spot we fell in love at.
I sighed.
"What's wrong?" Corbyn asks looking at me.
I lift my head a look back at him, "I'm just, gonna miss you." I said.
"I'm gonna miss you too y/n," he said.
"I know Corbs and I'm so proud of you for going out and living your dream it's just that sometimes I wish I could go with you." I explained.
"I wish you could come too but you know you have to finish high school, it's your senior year." Corbyn responded.
"I know but you were supposed to experience it with me, remember the dynamic duo, best friends turned couple." I said.
Corbyn laughed, "I know and sometimes I wish we could experience it together but you know I have to do this, its my dream."
"Yeah, I know and I will always support you." I said and he smiled at me.
"And I'm grateful for that." He said.
I looked at the ground.
Should I really say this? Do I really want to do this? I love him, but it's for the best. I don't want to hold him back. He deserves to have a fresh start in LA and not have to worry about anyone back home. Besides his family of course. He shouldn't worry about keeping a relationship going. He will have too much going on. I have to do this.
"Corbs," I said looking up at him.
I took a deep breathe, "I-I don't know how to say this and I don't know how you are going to take it."
"Y/n, what is it?" He asked me. He tilted his head, he was nervous now, I could tell. I know him like the back of my hand.
There was a silence, I couldn't figure out how to say this to him.
"You're kinda freaking me out." He finally said, breaking the silence. He turned his body and scooted a little closer to me so that we were face to face.
I looked him in the eyes and I felt myself tear up, "I don't want to do this but it's for the best. It's for you." I paused.
He looked at me and I could tell he knew what I was going to say.
"I-I think we should break up. Before you say anything I am not doing this because you are leaving me or because I don't love you anymore. I'm doing this because I do, I love you so so, so much. But I don't want to be holding you back when you go to LA, you deserve to not have worry about anything, just worry about your music and the band. You don't need the stress of a relationship. I don't want to be the person holding you back." I finished what I had to say and by now we both had tears rolling down our faces.
"No, no y/n, you won't be holding me back. You would never be a burden to me. Please don't do this." He pleaded me.
"Corbyn you and I both know that I have to do this, that this has to be done. What if something bad happen's and we lose each other because of that, I would rather have a civil ending that we can both agree on, than something happening and then we never talk again." I explained.
"I need you y/n, please."
"Corbyn, I will always love you, this doesn't change anything. I will always be here for you and if you do end up coming back to Fairfax someday and we are both still single then we'll know that we were meant to be and we can try again but for now I need to let you go, and you need to let me go." I said holding his hands.
He nodded. I raised my hand to his face, wiping away any stray tears before wiping away my own. Then he turned out to look at the view and so did I. He put his arm around my shoulders, I scooted closer to him and put my head back on his shoulder. We stayed there the rest of the night, unsure of what tomorrow would bring, all we knew was that tonight was our night.

|-Time skip-|

*At the airport*
I stood there in a line with Corbyn's family. He was hugging each of them goodbye, leaving me for last. I watched as he said goodbye to each of his family members, then he got to me and stood in front of me. We both just stared at each other for a few seconds before I jumped into his arms and he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist. We held each other tightly, not wanting to let go knowing that if we did it would be the end. Once we pulled away and looked at each other again, we leaned in for one last kiss, the perfect kiss. We pulled away and put our foreheads together.
"I'll always love you Corbyn." I whispered to him.
"Always and forever?" He asked me.
That was our thing, our promise to always love one another no matter what, no matter where our paths took us, we would always be there for each other.
"Always and forever." I whispered back, letting a tear roll down my face. We pulled away and looked at each other one more time, he wiped my tear away and gave me a slight smile.
"Bye y/n."
"Bye Corbyn."
"I love you guys." He said looking at his family.
"We love you too." They said.
"Call me when you land." His mom said.
"I will Mom." He said. He turned to leave and started to walk away. As he was about to walk through the gateway he turned around and looked at me, he mouthed 'I love you'.
I smiled small, 'I love you too'. And thats when he turned, I saw him lift his hand up to his face, wiping a tear away and then he disappeared. His mom turned to me, she put her arms on my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.
"Its going to be okay, you and Corbyn are meant for each other. I know it and everyone else knows it but most importantly you and Corbyn both know that it's true. You'll be together again, it will just take time. Just remember that either way you are apart of this family."
I nodded, wiping the tears from my face. All I hope is that I made the right decision when letting him go, I guess only time will tell.


I just noticed that it said two years at the top and I guess by now it would be three years because it's supposed to be when the band started. And they're coming up to their three year anniversary, but yeah just wanted to let y'all know.

Always and Forever (Corbyn Besson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now