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"This is my boyfriend, Corbyn," Christina said as she moved out of the way, the boy looked up at me before his eyes widened. His face went as white as a ghost, and I could feel mine do the same.
This. Is. Not. Happening. You have got to be kidding me.
He stood up and put his hand out for me to shake, "hi, nice to meet you."
I looked at him confused for a minute before shaking his hand, unsure of my next move. "Uh, hi, I'm y/n."
He did not just pretend to not know me.
I could tell by the look on his face he knew it was me. I know Corbyn like the back of my hand, nothing has changed in that aspect.
We all sat down around the table. Corbyn was sitting across from me, Christina on his right, and Jared on my left.
During dinner I could feel Corbyn's eyes on me, sometimes I would quickly glance at him too. He hasn't changed a bit. It was a little awkward but I tried to play it off. I went along with Corbyn's little act, pretending like we didn't know each other, like we weren't best friends our whole lives, like we didn't date for four years. I was hurt that he could just do that, pretend like we were nothing. Was I nothing to him?
"So Corbyn, what do you do?" Jared asked.
I looked up at Corbyn right as his eyes were on me, he looked away and looked at Jared.
"I'm in a band," he said.
"Oh really? That's cool. What's it called?" Jared asked.
"Why Don't We," Corbyn said, his eyes lit up as he said it. His eyes always do that when he talks about something he loves. His eyes used to light up like that when he talked to me.
"I don't know if I've heard anything from you guys. Babe, have you?" Jared said before turning to me.
I saw Corbyn tense when Jared said, 'babe'. "Uh nope, haven't heard of you guys."
"Nah it's fine, our fan base is mostly teenage girls anyway," Corbyn said as he laughed.
We continued to talk as we finished dinner. I didn't say much, I didn't know what to say. The fact that Corbyn, my Corbyn, was sitting right in front of me for the first time in two years had me baffled. And he just pretended that he had no clue who I was.
We all split the check before getting ready to leave.
"Well this was fun, we should do it again sometime!" Christina said.
I looked at her and smiled before making eye contact with Corbyn. I looked away from him and towards Jared.
"Yeah, next time you're in town we should hang out," Jared said to Corbyn.
"Totally," Corbyn said but he was looking at me instead.
"Bye guys!" Christina said.
"Bye," Jared and I both said as we walked towards out car.
Once we got in Jared turned towards me. "Are you okay? You seemed off," He said, concern laced in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, not wanting to make eye contact.
"Are you sure because you were really quiet at dinner and you normally talk a lot."
"Yeah, my mind was just elsewhere. I have a lot of work to get done so I wasn't focused I guess," I lied, but how am I supposed to tell Jared that my ex was sitting right in front of me after pretending like we had just met the whole dinner.
"If you say so," Jared said before starting the car and driving us back to our dorms.
Hopefully I won't see Corbyn again so I don't have to keep pretending, that was mentally exhausting.

Always and Forever (Corbyn Besson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now