Chapter Thirteen: Christmas Festival

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Preparations for the Christmas market were under way. People were building the stalls, and getting the wiring set up for the lights. There was just one thing....Mitsuko was still in bed sick. Her fever had gone down a little, but everyone was getting pretty worried about her. No one could really come to check on her, so she just sat in her room boredly. Her eyes stayed focused out the window, where she could see snow falling gently. I wonder if Takeru will come see me today....I haven't seen him much at all. Mitsuko sighed.

Her stomach growled loudly, the sound ripping through the room. Mitsuko's face was already red enough from the fever, but she blushed in embarrassment. At least he wasn't here to hear that, she thought. Mitsuko sighed and moved, pulling the blankets off herself. I should get dressed...and get food. Mitsuko put her feet on the ground and went to stand. Just as she was about to get up, the door burst opened. Mitsuko looked up in time for Hiromi to rush into the room.

"Mitsuko! Don't get up!"Hiromi exclaimed, rushing to push Mitsuko back down in the bed lightly. Hiromi felt her forehead. "Geez, you still have a fever." Mitsuko gave her a desperate look. Hiromi shook her head and Mitsuko pouted, climbing back into the bed. Hiromi sighed, helping her friend prop the pillows up.

"But Hi-chan...I'm hungry..."Mitsuko whined. Hiromi sighed.

"I'll go get you some soup from the kitchen, but you need to rest,"Hiromi told her. Mitsuko pouted harder. Hiromi sighed. "Come on, lay back." Mitsuko sighed, laying back on the pillows. She gave her friend a bored look. Hiromi gave Mitsuko a smile.

"How are things going?"Mitsuko asked. She suddenly coughed. Hiromi sighed and scratched her head, crossing her arms once she was done.

"We're making the preparations. You should get better fast! I wouldn't want you to miss it." Mitsuko hummed, looking down. She tightened her fists around the blankets. Hiromi frowned. "What is it?"

"I just...I don't know. I feel a little left out,"Mitsuko murmured. Hiromi rose an eyebrow. Mitsuko sighed. "Chibi hasn't been here much because of it...and I just know the others are too busy to have me bother them with being sick. I want to help." Hiromi sighed. She reached out with a smile on her face, patting her friends hand. Mitsuko looked up at her.

"You can help by getting better fast and resting. I'm sure once you rest, you'll feel better. And then Takeru won't be as grumpy." Mitsuko hummed once in response. Hiromi grinned. "I'll go get your soup, okay?"


The next morning, Takeru paid her a visit. She put her pencil down when he opened her door and walked in. 

"'re still not better?"He asked. Mitsuko gave him a sad look. He sighed, frowning slightly. He sat in the chair by her bed. "Come can't be that sick, can you?" Takeru reached out. His hand touched her forehead. He could practically hear the sizzling of his skin on hers. "Yikes." Mitsuko sighed. She looked down. 

"Takeru...will you do me a favor?"Mitsuko asked. He blinked at her. She held her phone out to him. "If I show you how to take pictures...will you take some for me?" He stared at the phone in her hand. Mitsuko sighed. "I wanted to do it myself...but I'm sick...." Takeru frowned and took the phone from her. 

"I guess I can...but Mitsuko, I didn't want you to miss this,"Takeru told her. He looked up at her sadly. She smiled at him and closed her eyes. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. "Don't give me that happy look..."

"Takeru, I'll be better in no time,"Mitsuko told him. Takeru frowned. 

"You're not sad you'll miss it?"He murmured. She stiffened. Mitsuko quickly covered it up with a smile. She closed her eyes. 

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