Chapter Seventeen: Ladies And Gentlemen!

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The curtains were shut. Balder, Ume, and the three girls playing the fairies had already taken their spots. It was time. Mitsuko looked down at herself. This is kind of fun! She thought. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes. I look good in this. Too bad I can't act with Takeru... The microphone clicked on, the sound reverberating out. Mitsuko straightened up in her spot.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. How do you do? We are your Storytellers. Today we are going to tell you the story of Sleeping Beauty,"Apollon spoke into the microphone. The spotlight clicked on, finding Apollon on the left side of the stage. Takeru lifted his microphone up. Mitsuko's blood rushed hearing his warm and strong voice over the loud speakers. 

"This story is a classic, which means that it has been told over and over again in many countries and in many different languages,"Takeru spoke. Another spotlight came on, showing Takeru on the right side of the stage.

"Like many stories, this one begins with the words-"Apollon began.

"Once upon a time,"Takeru and Apollon said in sync.

"There was a small and quiet kingdom called...erm...called SomewhereElse,"Takeru spoke. Apollon sent him an annoyed look. SomewhereElse? Mitsuko thought. She stifled a giggle, standing still behind the curtain in her spot. Ren and Eri both muttered under their breaths. I bet he forgot what to say.  The curtains drew open, the lights shifting to reveal a dark scene, not light enough to show any of their faces and costumes yet.

"In this land of...SomewhereElse,"Apollon muttered the last part in annoyance. He looked out at the audience. "There was a King. King Stephan was the ruler of SomewhereElse. And he and his wife, Queen Eleanor the elegant, ruled very wisely indeed."

"For some while, the kingdom of SomewhereElse was a prosperous and a peaceful land. But for whatever reason, the king and queen had been without children for a long time,"Takeru grumbled into the microphone. Mitsuko mentally giggled. He's nervous. I can tell. 

"One day their wish was granted. And one day, a little princess was born. They called her Hi-I mean Aurora. They called her Aurora. They named her after the dawn for she filled their lives with sunshine,"Apollon stuttered over his lines. Mitsuko rolled her eyes. Come on, Apollon, I thought you had this. 

"This is the story of Aurora,"Takeru spoke, stressing the name, and shooting Apollon a look. Apollon rolled his eyes. Mitsuko wanted to laugh. "Our story begins on that most joyful day." The lights on the two went out and the lights came up on stage, revealing the actors. Ume was standing beside an empty bassinet that was supposed to be where Aurora was. They were in the middle of the stage. She rested her hand on it.

"Oh, King Stephan. How beautiful our princess is. My lovely daughter,"Ume spoke loudly. Mitsuko kept her emotions off her face. Ume's trying at least, she thought. Balder, who was standing beside her and peering into the empty bassinet, smiled and looked up at Ume.

"Just as beautiful as you, My Queen,"Balder spoke. Mitsuko mentally snickered. Flirting with her on stage? She thought. Ume, who stood on stage, tried to resist the blush. Balder continued. "Today is the party celebrating the birth of the princess. Everyone is invited to our celebration." The lights lit up more, revealing the three fairies on the side stage. Mitsuko lit her face up with a smile, knowing Takeru's eyes were on her from his spot off to the side as the narrator. 

"Dear fairies, please give the princess your blessings?"Ume asked. The three fairies started towards her. Ren was up first, stopping beside the bassinet. She turned to the other two fairies behind her.

"Each of us this child may bless, one gift. No more no less,"Ren spoke. She turned, looking out at the audience. "I offer the young princess the gift of eternal beauty, so that her heart and soul may always be beautiful no matter what she may go through." Ren bowed to the bassinet, waving her hand over the top of it. She let her hand sparkle a little, so that it looked like she was casting a spell. She stood back up and stepped away. Mitsuko slowly stepped up, a little unsure. She remembered what Ren had added at the last minute.

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