26: Mysteries solved

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Chen's POV

When I wake up, Songhyun was still sleeping. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving the bed. I get dressed and went downstairs.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were cooking in the kitchen. Baekhyun and Chanyeol was sharing a room yesterday Sehun. Xiumin and Luhan shared one, while Kai and Kyungsoo shared one. Chanyeol originally want to share a room with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Kai. I ended up paired him with Sehun and Baekhyun.

Hehe...that's because I want Sehun to experience staying in the same room with the two of them.

"Why are you guys so early?" I asked.

"Some of us have a schedule to catch." Xiumin answered.

"It doesn't include me right?"

"Nope, you're here for a vacation, while we're for our schedule." Luhan explained.

"Ohh...who had schedule."

"All of us except for beagle line and maknae line. Oh right, Lay too."

"And Suho said that Tao and Lay would come over here."


"Where's Songhyun? Hasn't wake up?" Kyungsoo asked as he took out the breakfast.

"Wahhh...hyung-ah...what did you cooked?" Kai shifted his way to Kyungsoo.

"Just breakfast. Chen-ah, you should go and wake Songhyun up. The breakfast wouldn't be delicious if it's cold."

"Okay...I'll go."

I went upstairs and went inside the room. Songhyun was already awake and she's sitting in front of the mirror, combing her hair. I hugged her from her back.

"Good morning, yeobo."

"Morning too." She answered and gave me a kiss at the cheek.

"So...yeobo...did you enjoy yesterday?" I asked her in a teasing voice. Well, yesterday...something did happened.

"Don't let me think about it." She threatened.

"Aww...can I kiss you?"

"Aren't you got enough of kisses these days?"

"But it's different...I want you to kiss me on my lips."

She turned around and stared at me blankly. She blinked her eyes twice and finally talked again. Ahh...kyeopta.

"Fine." She said and pulled me closer to her for a kiss. It doesn't count as a kiss...it's just a simple peck...

She continued combed her hair after that. This is the first time that I ever notice that she looks prettier when her hair is not tied up. She usually tied up her hair, but before we sleep, she'll put down her hair. But this is the really first that I ever notice.

"Why you came up here again? I thought the boys and you were having breakfast."

"Kyunggie want me to wake you up. But it seems like you woke up."

"Yeah...I woke up after you left the room." She put down the comb.

"Yeobo-ah...are you done, let's go down."

"Ani, wait for me. I'll just tie up my hair." She said and took the comb again. I grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Andwae, you look prettier like this. Let's go downstairs." I dragged her with me. The others were eating like a pig now. Luckily Kyungsoo saved some for us, or else I think that they would probably finish our portion too. We eat much, okay? As in EXO's showtime, I really think that if we record the second season EXO's showtime, we could change it into EXO's eat time. LOL.

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