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Chen's POV

It's been a month since I proposed to Songhyun properly. And finally, tomorrow, it's our wedding. In the past few weeks, we told everyone about our relationship, and I'm glad that the fans support us. Seohyun had left the group, so the SNSD was left with eight members.

The result had come out after we went back, and as we expected, she's pregnant. We didn't want to check that whether it's a boy or a girl, because Songhyun wanted a surprise. So no choice, I'll just listen to her, or else if I didn't, she’ll get mad again, and wouldn't talk to me for a whole week.

I've experienced half day she's not even talking to me and that was really like hell. I can't stand she's not talking to me. And sometimes she even ignored me.

"Yeobo…" She whined beside me.

"Ne?" I was reading the newspaper.

"Can we go and buy some mangoes later? We're out of mangoes."

"Sure, anything for you." I replied.

Sometimes, I didn't take her too serious, but we always ended up not talking for a whole day. The both of our parents advise me to listen to her unless it's not needed. But that’s unfair! Whatever. I'm obeying her orders because I love her, and mum said when a woman is pregnant; don't let her mad, it's not good for the mother and also a baby.

"Saranghae." She said and placed a soft kiss on my cheeks. Because tomorrow is our wedding, so the both of us were off for the whole day, which means a free day for us.

I decided that we'll go shopping later and she agreed with it. The fans knew we're about to marry now, so when I go out, I never wear sunglasses or caps again. Just let them recognize me, because I don't mind at all. Before, I don't want them to recognize me because we haven’t let them know.

I'm scared that they might hurt Songhyun. We actually didn't tell them that she's pregnant right now. We just told them that we're engaged, and about to marry.

We went to the shopping mall nearby. It's also the mall where I first met her. I still remember how she looks like. After we became official, she started to wear dresses more often because once I told her that she looks beautiful in dresses. And after we're back from Canada, she rarely tied up her hair again. She did everything to me. She knew that I like it.

She's pregnant for three months now. I can't wait until seven months, when I get to see my baby.

"Yeobo, if it's a boy, what’s his name?"


"The exactly same name as Jonghyun oppa from SHINee?"

"How you knew Jonghyun sunbae?"

"Well…Kyuhyun oppa always drag me to the company when you're in China. So I get to know all of the celebrities."

"What he introduced to them? His sister?"

"Ani…he introduced me to them as your wife. We're not even married…yet."

"Hah, I knew him. He's never up to good."

"Then what if it's a girl?"

"Then we'll name her as Jihye."

"Why is it Jonghyun and Jihye?"

"Jong Dae plus Songhyun, and Jihye…in chinese, it means smart. Something like that." Lay suggested these names for me.

"Arasseo." She nodded and replied.

We reached the mall finally. Being a gentleman and also a husband, I went down the car first and opened the door for her.

I held her hand and we both went in. We're quite lucky that there’s no anyone who recognize me.

Getting Engage With Chen of EXO? (EXO Chen fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now