October 8

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October 8, 2028 6:00 am

District Court

Courtroom no. 1


"Take that!"


The judge was bored out of his mind just watching Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright go back and forth yelling out objections. Some of which could've been ignored or irrelevant. What the members of the court were witnessing was their own language of lawyers. In this case, the lawyers were having a very long and interesting conversation. Both Maya and Larry were half asleep, when Maya felt something strange.

'That's odd. I've never felt anything like this before'

Maya tried to use her brain, but she couldn't figure it out

'Maybe Mia could understand'

So in her seat, Maya channeled the spirit of Mia

"What's goin' on Larry?" Mia asked curiously looking at the half asleep man next to her sister's body. Larry, rubbing his eyes from the fatigue, pointed at the two arguing lawyers in the courtroom. Maya's channeled spirit eyes widened

"I would've never thought that..." Mia started

"Thought what?"

Larry said now fully awake and curious for whatever is going on

"Lawyers can sometimes relay messages through arguments in court. Normal people don't understand, but other lawyers do"

Mia continued

"That's...umm... that's great but just in case, please explain it one more time, I wasn't listening"

Larry communicated to Mia as his brain is smaller than one whole grape. Mia sighed at the helpless Butz. She took a deep breath before explaining it once more

"Larry, let me dumb it down for you. *whispers* How should I say this?"

Mia tells Larry,

"Mr. Edgeworth seems to be gay. Phoenix is now turning into a man who loves other men—"

"I know what gay means!!"

Larry accidentally yells. The whole courtroom turned silent and all eyes were suddenly on the Butz

"Sorry, guys!"

Larry quiets down.

The judge just says:

"Continue with your...umm...conversation, Mr. Butt"

Larry turned to a slight blush and just sat back down. Meanwhile, Phoenix started to bloosh with embarrassment. He figured that Larry or Maya would find out what kind of thing was going on right now. As a translation and summary, Miles had just confirmed and confessed his love for him with solid evidence. Phoenix had been denying this, until he finally gave in to the gay feeling. How was he going to tell all his friends? Well, other than Larry who know already knows. Phoenix was scared out of his mind for what is to happen next. Mr. Edgeworth, on the other hand, was enjoying this completely. He finally got his love confession off of his, what he thought was muscular, chest. Not only that, but he was winning over Phoenix's heart all according to his plan. It was already set in motion. He was in such a good mood, that he even gave Detective Gumshoe a raise to give them a romantic date one day. That means more cup-o-noodles for the detective!

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