October 12 (Part 7)

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October 12, 2028 9:00pm

Wright's Personal Office

Acceptance Day

It was time, Edgeworth was waiting for his bird. He was shaking on the outside. He nearly forgot his vows, but then remembered them at the last second. Everyone was sitting together, and in between was a velvet carpet, long enough to reach the gate. Athena came down the aisle first, with her hair in a bun, but the remainder of it was like her ponytail. She was the flower girl, and proceeded to scatter the lily petals, with detail. After she was done, she winked at Edgeworth and then stood by his side. Apollo came next, as her was the ring bearer. The rings were a silver color, both containing different colored gems, the sapphire was for Phoenix and the red one was for Miles. He went over to where Athena was standing, and gave a smile towards Edgeworth. After a few moments, everyone stood up. Klavier proceeded to play a song he wrote, just for this occasion

"The bird has left the nest"

Athena whispered to Apollo. Maya, who came first,  was the person in charge of joining the two lawyers together. Trucy, who came second was the maid of honor, which gave her a peak of excitement. As soon as the girls took their places, Phoenix came shortly after.

'Oh my god.. he's beautiful...' 

Miles thought to himself, in amazement. Phoenix was holding a bouquet of traditional flowers like roses and daisies, but there was a lotus flower, probably a traditional flower for the Khura' in wedding procession. The veil did a decently good job on hiding his face, but everyone could see the blushing look on his face. Once he made it to the gateway, Miles helped him flip the eye leveled part of the veil and he took one look at the prosecutor and said:

"You look..so handsome, Miles"

Of course, the prosecutor respectfully agreed on that statement and added,

"You look extremely ravishing yourself, Phoenix"

Phoenix gave a small giggle in response. Then, Maya approached the podium, that was the cue for everyone to sit. The ceremony was about to begin

"Ahem, Dearly beloved, friends, family, defense attorneys and prosecutors great and small. We are gathered here today to honor the acceptance and pre-engagement of Mr. Phoenix and Mr. Miles Edgeworth. This is a very special celebration, because it's our own. Please spread this word of this new tradition, so that many others can experience this incredible experience. Now, if no one wishes for these two to be accepted, object now, or forever hold your peace"

Silence loomed around the room

"Ok then...the couple may say their vows. Mr. Edgeworth, you can go first"

Miles took a breath in and looked at Phoenix's eyes. He then, says his vows

"Phoenix, the first time I played my eyes on you, my heart swelled tremendously. You were the light of my life and..I made a promise to myself, that I will live my life with you. And look where we are today. I would never, ever, change these past years, even if I had to help you. My Phoenix, you are the piece that completes my puzzle. Phoenix Wright, I love you so incredibly much, I wouldn't give up my soul just so I can be with you" 

The room blew up with applause on how well written and spoken the vows were, some were even shedding tears. Franziska gave a small smile to Miles, telling him:

"I'm proud of you, little brother."

"That *sniff* was beautiful, Mr. Edgeworth.."

Maya exclaimed, wiping her tears away with her arm, then straightening herself to get Phoenix's vows

"Alright, if everyone is calm and collected, Mr. Wright, you may recite your vows"

Phoenix looked at Miles, with tears in his eyes, but he didn't mind them.

"Wow, that was the most beautiful thing I ever heard, coming out of you. It..made me feel a bit guilty for being so reluctant all those years ago. When we first met, I thought your emotions must have been some kind of joke. But, I was wrong. Sure, when you confessed in court, it made my world turned completely upside down, and I-I couldn't process it clearly. But now that you've helped me, I see there is more than the determination of your job or the intelligence lurking inside of you. There's a heart that cares for others and would do anything to make them feel...happy. So, I want to be a part of that happiness, to feel at home with you. I'm ready, for the 2 of us"

More thunderous applause came from the viewers, some even standing up to applaud! Mia gave a nod towards Phoenix, giving him the same message as Franziska

"Woo, isn't just me or did the water company bring in an extra supply for the office earlier?"

Everyone giggled at the joke, then Maya proceeded with the procession

"Apollo, the rings please?"

"Oh, right"

He handed the rings from his coat pocket to Maya, who handed each men their partner's rings. Miles put Phoenix's ring on first, then he did the same with Miles

"Now them, Phoenix Wright, do you take Miles Edgeworth, to be your lawfully accepted boyfriend, until the day finally comes?"

"I do!"

"And do you, Miles Edgeworth, do you take Phoenix Wright, to be your lawfully accepted boyfriend, until the day finally comes?"

"I do"

Maya proceeded to do a small squeal, then said:

"By the power invested in me, as the Khura' in head spirit medium, I now pronounce you boyfriend and boyfriend!"

Everyone cheered with joy, but it wasn't over yet!

"Miles, you may kiss your Phoenix"

He did just that. His hand grabbed Phoenix's face, as he pulled him in for a tender kiss. Everyone was cheering with utmost enthusiasm, clapping and congratulating the two. Both of their eyes were closed, but the moment was magical

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