October 12 (Part 4)

719 13 4

October 12, 2028 5:54pm

Theatre No.4

After the movie ended, Miles' eyes lit up with excitement. The adrenaline was pumping

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!!! He was like "Pow! Wham! Kablooey!" One of the most epic scenes in this franchise!"

"What surprised me more, when you ate the entire tub of popcorn......"

Phoenix also enjoyed the movie. It was different but, in a way, good

As soon as the two exited the theatre, Phoenix spoke up


"Yes, Wright?"

"This is fun. I wish we could do it more....."

"Well, we're just beginning"

The two lawyers held hands during their walk. Chatting about life, their job and other stuff like that. After about 30 or so minutes, they arrived at the Wright Anything Agency. Miles had already told Phoenix the details for the later evening

"So. meet me by the Italian joint by 7:30, you can bring a gift..if you want"

"Ok, I'll be waiting, Miles"

Phoenix gave Miles a kiss before he opened the door. Before he entered, he gave a smile to Miles, who smiled back. As the prosecutor walked back, he did a fist bump in the air. It was a new case, labeled: "Turnabout Proposal"

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