October 10 (Part 2)

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October 10, 2028 1:03 pm

Public Park

Edgeworth was waiting patiently on a bench for Phoenix to come. His new plan was to take him to a restaurant that day and then his home for Phoenix's birthday. Excited, Miles' leg was moving up and down and so was his foot. For every minute that passed, it would bounce faster. The people watching him seemed very concerned. Miles saw a running, wild Phoenix Wright coming in his direction. Phoenix, on his way tripped on a little tiny ass motherfucking pebble and started to fall. Luckily, his prince charming saved him at the last minute

"Tsk, tsk. Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix. And I thought I was the one falling for you" 

He proceeds to boop Phoenix's nose

"S-Sorry about that!"

Phoenix replied nervously while blooshing.
Edgeworth has a little tiny ass motherfucking nosebleed in the middle of the process

"Also, no boops...it feels weird.."

"It's okay, my little birdie, I'll make sure you're comfortable with our relationship after this..."

Before Phoenix knew it, he felt all warm. Miles was hugging him on the floor, in public. Two out of two things that Miles was doing, Phoenix had a problem with. He normally isn't a really shy person, but the way Miles has been acting lately, changed that. He found himself thinking of Edgeworth a lot and almost always blooshing with things associated with him. During the hug, Phoenix's daughter, Trucy, Athena and Apollo were all squealing from a nearby bush. Athena was recording the whole thing.

"This is revenge.....mweh heh heh heh!" 

Everyone around them seemed confused. They kept asking things like: 

"Wait, are they gay?"

"Are they dating?"

"Why haven't we heard of this before?"

"What the F U C K is going on?" 

Some people even started to take pictures on the two gay lawyers. However, as those cameras started to shutter, Edgeworth put his hands on Phoenix's face and pull it towards his, giving the embarrassed lawyer a kiss. Phoenix wanted to push back, but that feeling felt....amazing. With his eyes widened, he started to bloosh even harder, until he looked like a ripe tomato. From the bush, Apollo had a big ass shit of a nosebleed and both Trucy and Athena were fangirling like crazy! Phoenix didn't know how to react to all of this attention. Should he be happy or nervous? What was Edgeworth's motivation for him? These were questions no one can answer at this point

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