October 12 (Part 5)

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October 12, 2028 7:30pm

Mario's Place

Edgeworth was waiting at the waiting area, kinda nervous. Reason being, he was going to give Feenie boi a gift, meant for something, like a proposal


Miles heard the scream from his boyfriend. He was wearing his usual court outfit, with the flower clip in the pocket of his vest. Let's just admit it, he was cute

"You made it..."


A waitress walked in the direction of the two men, with their menus in her hand

"Mr. Edgeworth, your table is ready"

"T-thank you"

He and Wright followed the waitress to a small table, made for at least two people or more. In the center of the table was a candelabra, with the candles already lit. There was also a vase with two roses, making the aesthetic more romantic. Miles, being the gentleman he is, pulled Wright's seat out and gestured him to sit

"Thank you.."

"No problems, my honey bun.."

It was a while since Miles called him that nickname, but he didn't mind. As soon as the two ordered the drinks, the two started the conversation. It was what they usually talked about, but just in lawyer speak, since no other human in existence know what the fuck the two were talking about. They seemed to enjoy themselves. Then, the waitress came

"Gentlemen, my name is Casey and I'll be serving you. Would you like to get started?"

"Oh, yes. Um...me and him will be sharing your spaghetti dish"

"Alright, any drinks"

"Um, can I get a water?" (Phoenix)

"And for me, just some tea." (Miles)

"Alright, I'll be back with your meal!" (Casey)

"Thank you!" (Phoenix)

The waitress went off to the kitchen. She had already told the chefs what to make and for who

Meanwhile, on the outside, the two continued their conversation, about how life was, court cases, and stuff like that. There was a moment of silence

"Miles? Are you alright?"


Phoenix grew concerned

"Well, whatever it is, you can tell me. I won't judge"

Miles looked at his left hand, slightly ignoring his partner


"Go on, I'm listening..."


He stood up, went to Phoenix's side, and kneeled down

'Wait, is-is he proposing? At a time like this?!'

Phoenix blooshed, a bit more than usual, and more confused at this boyfriend

"Wright, I know this may a...awkward time to say this..."

"No shit, Sherlock..."


"Just saying..."

"But, I-I figured, we should make our relationship...official, you know? So, instead of agreeing to marry me, I want to say.."

He pulled the black box out of his pocket of his suit, and opened it, revealing the bracelet. Phoenix put his hands over his mouth, and blooshed. He looked at Miles with the most precious eyes ever, kinda copying the moment from the morning

"..would you be my boyfriend, until our time is up?"


Phoenix removed his hands from his mouth and put his hand on Miles' gift

"Of course!"

The waitress came with the food and drinks, then she noticed the two hugging it out

"Um, enjoy?"

Then she left, a bit confused

"Oh, right! The food...." (Phoenix)

"Well, at least let me put the bracelet on you"

Miles proceeds to put the bracelet on Phoenix, smiling in the process. The two then shared a tender kiss

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