October 9

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October 9, 2028 6:00am

Wright Anything Agency

Athena, with a bagel, coffee and a stack of letters in her hands, runs over to her boss' office. She knocks on the door with her head, probably giving her a 5 hour headache

"Boff, I goff oow oof!"

Her voice creeps out from the door

Phoenix hears her voice, but is confused on what the damn hell she's saying. Edgeworth bursts inside, takes whatever Athena had in hand, slides it on the coffee table in the office, and bows a few seconds after. Athena, upset that she couldn't deliver the food, coffee, and letters pouted and stomped out


Phoenix yells pointing at Miles,

"Why are you here?!"

Miles stands up straight to talk to the love of his life. Miles gave him a naughty smirk. A memory of Edgeworth filled into Phoenix's head

"Isn't it a little early for courtroom language, my Phoenix?"

Edgeworth whispers in Phoenix's ear. Phoenix turned even more red than he was before

"Don't be so openly gay like that!...it's embarrassing..."

Phoenix managed to peep out. Anyone could tell that Phoenix wasn't used to the gay feeling he has now. After Mr. Wright's claim, Maya & Larry entered the scene. Maya hadn't heard what was going on in that room before knowing Larry's knowledge on the situation

"I must take my leave now. 'Till tomorrow, birdie!"

Edgeworth exclaimed as he bowed and swiftly skipped away. Maya looked in confusion at Miles in the distance as he escaped

"What was that about?"

Maya asked Phoenix for conformation. A dead silence filled the air until Larry just said to Maya:

"He's gay"

"Wait, can you repeat that?"

Maya said. Larry sighed out of stress

"Nick is a dude who likes that dude who just left"

Larry said

"You mean Mr. Edgew-no god! No god please no! No! No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Maya pretends to die on the floor, but still is alive only so she can skip through this shit. Larry dragged her out of the room and onto the lobby couch. Larry then went back into Phoenix's office to have a short discussion

"So, you're gay now"

Larry tried to start the conversation, awkwardly. Phoenix blooshed in response

"Yeah......I'm sorry about that, Larry"

"It's completely fine! I support you! In fact, I shipped you guys from the very beginning!"

Larry reassures Phoenix while looking at the reader. Larry looked back at Phoenix from the 4th wall

"It's a complicated story..."

"Then explain it to me!"

"I'll just say that he will be visiting more often than...just in court"

Phoenix, then looked out the window to escape the conversation

"Hey Nick?"


"I gotta go, so see ya tomorrow!"

"Okay. Bye then!"

The rest of the day was left in peace and quiet for Phoenix

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