October 10 (Part 1)

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October 10, 2028 11:45 am

Wright Anything Agency

Edgeworth wasn't visiting the office, yet, so Athena could finally deliver the bagel and coffee to Mr. Wright


She said. Suddenly, Edgeworth burst into the room looking all magnificent, with a flamboyant cape and everything and let out a grand

"Ta Dah!"

Athena gave Edgeworth a 'trying-to-be-intimidating' glare but Edgeworth brushed it off.

"How is it going my little honey bun?"

Edgeworth said. Phoenix was once again filled with embarrassment and couldn't speak at that moment

"Is something the matter?"

Edgeworth smiled

"No, not really. I'm sorta starting to get used to you coming here everyday."

"That's good to hear! What do you say you and me, right now, lunch?"

Larry, being in the room at that time, helped persuade Phoenix to go out for lunch

"Sure thing, Edgeworth!"

Phoenix said with confidence, even though on the inside, he was doing a big X with his arms.

"I'll meet you at the park at around 1pm!"

'What have I gotten myself into?'

Phoenix thought in disappointment to himself, in self doubt. Edgeworth started walking away slowly

"Don't worry, Nick! Since your birthday is on the 12th, I can treat you to something special!"

Edgeworth stopped and started to panic in his mind. This new information threw his whole plan off balance! He luckily and coincidentally had a plan B since he is Miles Edgeworth. *smug face* Now Smiles Edgeworth

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