October 12 (Part 6)

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October 12, 8:49pm

Wright Anything Agency

After the meal, the two went over to Phoenix's agency, once Miles opened the door, being the gentleman he is, everyone from Trucy, Pearl taking the form of Mia, Klavier Gavin, Simon Blackquill, Franziska von Karma, of all people, and Larry the Butz himself, was waiting. Phoenix went inside and looked in confusion

"You two went somewhere, didn't you?"

Athena remarked

"I can tell, cause the Gay-ometer numbers are off the chart"

She then pulled out a digital screen, with the title 'Gay-ometer numbers (EdgeWright)' and there was a chart with an arrow shooting upwards

"You actually have a chart for that? And how long have you had that for?"

Apollo asked, becoming more concerned for the girl who fell for a prisoner prosecutor

"Yes I do, and...maybe for a couple of days?"

Apollo did a facepalm

"What?! I'm the techie!"

Miles decided to break the quick conversation, by acknowledging the fact that he and Phoenix did go somewhere and asked, why everyone was here

"No time to explain, future dad! We gotta get you and Daddy ready!"

Trucy exclaimed. Phoenix then asked,

"Ready for whaAA-?!"

Maya pulled Phoenix's arm and went to a separate room to get ready, Trucy followed her with a bag full of stuff. Apollo then grabbed Edgeworth's arm and pulled him to another separate room, and Athena was carrying a bag of a similar color, but with different objects. Pearl, Blackquill, Frannie, Klavie and Larry went to the main office to prepare everything

'I hope that this will all according to plan, this may be the best event I've experienced!' (Pearl)

Mia thought to herself. On Edgeworth's side, Athena pulled out a large bag with a tag that said, 'For Miles Edgeworth'

"W-what is that?"

Miles asked, Athena quickly briefed him in on the plan

"So, we kinda knew what was going on"

"You did? But it was-"

"Hold on, Mr. Edgeworth, lemme finish! So, the bracelets, you got them from Maya, right? Well, she told us about what was going on, you were going to ask Mr. Wright to be your boyfriend, officially. So, the immediate initiative was to prepare this. We had Pearl to take the form of Ms. Mia Fey, so she could get us some details"

Miles, was a bit confused. Then, Apollo busted in and told Miles what to do

"That bag over there, that's your suit, so put it on and me and Athena can freshen you up"

Miles proceeded to go to the bag and unzip it. Inside, there was a white suit, a red Polo shirt, the same as his lawyer outfit, and a purple rose piece. Edgeworth pondered how the group managed to pull it off. It must've been hella expensive! But, he went ahead and changed into the suit. As soon as he finished, Apollo grabbed the rose piece and began to arrange it in the left pocket of the suit, while Athena was working on the cravat. After a few minutes, Apollo went over the plan with him, then

"Um, thank you..for making this...actually possible"

"It's nothing Mr. Edgworth, we'll consider you as a part of our lawyer family!"

Athena remarked. Edgeworth blooshed a bit, but accepted it. Meanwhile, on Phoenix's side, Trucy pulled out a large bag with the tag, 'For Phoenix Wright'

"What are you doing? What is this for?"

"It's a secret, Nick! You won't know until it happens!"

'Maya, why do you have to be this secretly obvious?'

Trucy, told her father what to do, even though she kinda felt guilty on the inside. Phoenix, who was surprised to follow the order of her 17 year old daughter, did as told, he unzipped the bag and inside, was a whitesuit, a blue Polo shirt the same color of his lawyer uniform, and a veil

'Um, a veil? I'm not getting married!'

Still pondering on the thought, he changed into the outfit, he then realized something

'A trail? But, it's so short...'

Once he finished changing, Trucy went to work on Phoenix's face, adding some blush and a tad bit of mascara. Phoenix just kept thinking why his daughter was attempting to make him a drag queen. Once Trucy had finished, Maya took the time to fix up the hair, acknowledging the mini point in the front

"Aaand...there! Hey Truce, can you hand the veil?"

"Yes, Ms. Maya!"

Trucy went to the bag and pulled out the veil. It was a typical veil, but it had purple flowers on the top. Coincidence, I think not! She gave Maya the veil, who happily adjusted it on Phoenix's spiky hairdo. He looked like a bride, except as a guy...

"It's time..."

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