October 12 (Part 2)

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October 12, 2028, 2:00pm

Public Park

The two decided to take a stroll in the park. There weren't as many people, which gave the couple more time together & less paparazzi to deal with

"Lovely day, isn't it, Edgey?"

"Indeed, it is, my little honey bun!"

Miles boops Phoenix on the nose, but Phoenix does a cute little giggle. Miles just smiles, for he too was feeling the same emotion. The two kept walking and chatting, until they came by a bench

"Maybe, we should take a break?"

Phoenix said

"I guess"

Miles just shrugged his shoulders, probably a way of saying yes. The two proceeded to sit down on the bench, and Miles started off

"So, what does the birthday boy want to do today?"

*giggles* "You had to go there? Well, maybe we could go over to the Spring Festival or maybe catch a movie! I hear there is a Steel Samurai 4.."

Phoenix knew what triggered Edgeworth the most, his ultimate fandom. But the prosecutor had his own idea. His original idea

"W-Well, I say you and me could go get a nice dinner. Maybe at that new Italian joint"

"How on earth are you gonna pay for it? You always know that I'm one step ahead of your, Miles"

"I gave Gumshoe a raise"

"Gumshoe? All for us?!"

"That's right, Phoenix. I gave him a good $200 raise, so that should cover for the meal. Don't worry, I made sure that he paid for it, rather than cup-o-noodles..."

Phoenix just sat there, with a puzzled expression on his face. Miles was doing this, all for him? Maybe it was to prove his love, but this might have been a bit too extreme

"So, what first? It's your birthday after all.."

Phoenix had to think about this for a moment, his decision resigned on the fate of the day

"Well, last I checked the theatre, the first showing of the movie doesn't start until like, 4:00, or something...so, how about we go to the festival?"

"That would work. Here, I'll meet you at your office and then we can go to the festival together?"

"Sure thing!"

Phoenix stood up and gave Edgeworth a peck on the cheek, before fleeing to his office. Edgeworth smiles, for he had another surprise for him

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