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Jade looked down at the blade that was now pressed against her wrist. "Go away." She said softly without turning around to face the owner of the unknown voice. "I don't care if I live anymore, I just want to see Tori again."

Jade took another deep breath and tried gather the resolve to do what she had planned to do when she felt a hand gently place itself on her shoulder but she still didn't turn around. "Jade, you don't need to do this. Imagine what would happen if the people who love and cared for you found you dead? Have you imagined the impact it would have on their lives?"

Jade finally looked up and finally got a look at the mysterious figure who had stopped her from what she was determined to do. The figure was covered in a robe that was pure white and had a hood that covered the figure's face.

She looked back down at the knife in her hand and noticed her hand was shaking slightly. She hadn't really thought of what her death would to the others but she easily dismissed the thought and her grip on the knife became steady again. As far as she was concerned, she had driven away all of her friends nearly a year ago. She didn't have any friends left to hurt.

"I don't have any friends." Jade muttered. "I kept telling them to leave me alone and they finally did." She said as she thought back to the last time she had talked to Beck and Cat which had been in the diner. She hadn't even tried to get in contact with Robbie of Andre after Tori had died.

"Jade, I understand that things have been difficult for you since Tori died, but you need to realize something: You still have friends and if you do this, it will hurt them as badly as Tori's death hurt you."

"Somehow I doubt that." Jade muttered.

"If you won't listen to reason, then it appears I have no other choice." The figure said quietly as Jade felt the comforting hand leave her shoulder. She kept looking down at the knife even as the figure stepped in front of her and placed it's hand on her head.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" Jade asked quietly as she closed her eyes and waited for the end.

"No. I'm going to show you what consequences will occur if you go through with what you have planned." The figure said quietly and for a brief second Jade thought she heard the figure's voice seem to change for a moment. It sounded familiar but she couldn't place it.

The figure stood completely still for a moment and then moved to the side and what appeared to be a whirling vortex of light appeared in front of Jade. "This is what will happen if you choose to end your life. These are the consequences."

Jade watched through the swirling vortex of energy and saw images that caused her eyes to widen in shock and horror.

Cat Valentine standing over her grave with a bottle of painkillers in her hand. Jade could only watch through the portal as Cat took a large handful of the painkillers and sat down next to a nearby tree and simply waited for the end. Jade saw that there was no hope in her eyes, nothing remained that had made her the unique person she had been.

Beck weeping openly as he looked down at Jade's grave. "I'm sorry Jade," he whispered. "I should have kept my eye on you. I should have never let you go when you were as angry as you were back at the diner. I failed you as a friend and I failed the others."

Robbie sitting in a windowless room staring blankly ahead at a wall. A security camera in the room kept a constant watch on him least he harm himself. Robbie eats and drinks but doesn't do much else other then that. He just stares at the wall as his mind continues trying to process what has happened but never does.

Andre turns the key into the lock and opens the door to his small two room apartment as he returns from his shift at an electronics store. Pictures of his friends are on the nightstand next to his bed and he shakes his head sadly as he tries to put aside the feelings of grief and anger that he feels. His room is devoid of the music that once brought him so much joy.

Jade closed her eyes as tears began to run down her face as the figure sat down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You had more of an effect on the people around you then you thought." The figure said gently. "I'm sorry if what you saw upset you but you needed to know what would happen if you chose to take your own life."

Jade shook her head. "I...I can't." She whispered. "I can't keep on going. I miss Tori so much. I just can't live without her. It just hurts too much." She said quietly as her gaze returned to the knife in her hands which were shaking violently.

The figure's hand gently went down to the knife and gently pulled on the blade until Jade let go of the handle and the figure placed the knife on the ground. "I've always tried to help you, Jade. That's what angels do. I know that you and your father haven't really gotten along since you lost your mother when you were little and it's been even worse for you since Tori died."

Jade looked over at the figure and shook her head. "How do you know so much about me?" She asked quietly. The figure's hand reached over and took Jade's hand. "I've watched over you for a very long time. You needed someone to watch over you in case it came to this."

Jade looked over. "I...I just don't have the strength to keep going. Eventually I'm going to lose it and I'm going to end up alienating and hurting more people. I just...I just wish I could have helped Tori when she needed it. Maybe everyone's lives wouldn't be so messed up if she had survived."

She took a deep breath reached for the knife again. "Maybe my life wouldn't be so messed up." She whispered.

The figure looked at her and smiled from under the hood.

"Wish granted." The figure whispered as a hand was placed on Jade's head. Jade looked up in confusion as a white light seemed to form around her. She looked at the figure as she began to panic. "What're you doing?!"

"Giving you a second chance." The figure said quietly as Jade vanished as the light faded.

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