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The phone next to Jade's bed rang twice before she was even able to acknowledge it's existence. A low groan filled her bedroom. It was nearly one in the morning and she was already planning on how to get back at whoever was calling her at this ungodly hour. She looked at the caller ID on it and noticed it was Tori.

"Yeah?" She muttered into the phone as she picked it up and held it to her ear. She did love Tori but the sun hadn't even risen yet. She paused for a moment as she heard light sobbing coming from the other end.

"Vega? Vega, are you okay?" She asked carefully as she went from half asleep to nearly wide awake as she heard the sobs. "Jade? Is it alright if I come over for just a little bit?" Tori asked between sobs. Jade nodded even though she knew Tori couldn't see her. "Yeah. Sure. What's going on?"

"I'll tell you more when I see you." Tori managed to say between sobs as she hung up the phone leaving a very confused Jade West alone in her room.

I swear, if it's one of Ryder's friends harassing her again there's going to be a bloodbath. She thought to herself as she got dressed. A few times now, a few of Ryder's friends would give Tori the evil eye or start insulting her. In one case, one of his friends had tried to corner her at school but hadn't have the chance to do so before Jade had found out and had put the fear of god in him.

Twenty minutes later

Jade was waiting outside her house when she saw Tori walk down the sidewalk to her. She had a coat wrapped around her and her face was red and Jade could tell that she had been crying quite a bit. Jade carefully walked towards her and grabbed her hand. "Tori, what happened? You alright?"

Tori looked up at Jade and shook her head. "Nightmares. I just...keep having really bad nightmares about Ryder. I keep dreaming about what would have happened if you hadn't shown up. I keep dreaming that he...he..." Tori couldn't finish as she broke down into tears again and buried her head in Jade's shoulder.

Jade softly put her arms around Tori and pulled her in for a hug as Tori continued sobbing. She gently stroked the back of Tori's head, a bit uncertainly at first but as she continued doing it, she got a bit more comfortable.

"It's okay. Let's get you inside."

Jade carefully brought Tori into the house and sat her down in the kitchen and got her a soda and offered it to only to have Tori refuse it. Jade could see that her entire body seemed to be shaking slightly.

"How long have you been having these dreams?" She asked. She didn't have to keep her voice down, her father was away from the house on business and the woman her dad was dating was sleeping at her own house tonight.

"A few days. They...They keep getting worse and worse." She said. "I don't know what to do. I've tried thinking about something else but I can't get the dreams to go away."

Jade looked down at the floor. "I...I think you need to see someone, Tori. What happened to you was bad and it could have some connection to these dreams." Tori looked at Jade and she saw more tears forming in her eyes. "Can...Can I stay here tonight? I can't go home. I'm the only one at the house tonight. Mom and Dad are out on business and Trina had something going on."

Jade felt her cheeks turn red at the request. "I...I can set up the couch in the guest room if that works for you. She could feel her cheeks turn redder as Tori reached out and took her hand. "No...please...Just let me be with you tonight. Please, Jade."

"Are...Are you asking...?"

"Yeah." Tori said quietly.

Jade slowly stood up and took Tori's hand in her own as Tori stood up and softly kissed her before smiling slightly.

"Come with me." Jade said softly as she led her up the stairs towards her room.

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