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"-In other news today, convict Ryder Daniels was found to have escaped from his cell early this morning. Many of our viewers remember that Ryder was sentenced to life in prison for the attempted murder of local teen Tori Vega last year. If anyone has information on Daniel's whereabouts, please contact the police immediately."

A sudden gasp filled the Vega kitchen as Tori Vega stared at the TV screen with wide, horrified eyes. Jade West's eyes widened for a moment before she turned to look at Tori who was seemingly frozen with fear.


"He's loose." Tori's voice was so quiet Jade had trouble hearing it. She began to shake violently as Jade placed what she hoped was a comforting hand on her shoulder but Tori didn't seem to notice. "He's loose,"She whispered in a voice so filled with fear that Jade felt her heart break. Jade took a deep breath. "Tori...the police are looking for him. I know the rest of your family are out of town for the weekend but they'll come back when they find out. You won't be alone. I won't let him touch you."

Tori didn't seem to hear as her eyes tried to look everywhere at once. Jade grabbed her by the shoulders and finally managed to get through to her. "Tori, listen to me: I won't let him hurt you." Jade said in a determined voice as Tori finally seemed to realize she was there. "Jade...I...how did he get out?!" She whispered in a terrified tone.

"I intend to ask a few people that myself." Jade muttered darkly as Tori buried her head in Jade's shoulders. Jade could feel the tears flowing from Tori's eyes as Tori held onto her tightly enough that Jade was actually starting to feel some pain. "Tori, it's going to be okay. I'll go lock the doors and close the blinds. I know it's not much but it's all we can do at the moment, alright?" She could feel Tori nodding as she pulled her tear stained face away from Jade's shoulder.

Jade looked up sharply at the sound of a series of knocks at the door. She motioned for Tori to stay quiet as she grabbed a frying pan and slowly approached the door. "Who is it?" She asked sharply as she put her hand on the door handle and readied the arm holding the frying pan. "Police." came the clipped reply. Jade turned to look back at Tori who was staring nervously at the door. "Prove it." Jade challenged.

"Holly Vega's middle name is Jennifer."

"Could have heard that anywhere. What's the name of Tori's Aunt?"

"Sonya Vega."

Jade turned to look back at Tori once again and saw her nodding carefully. Jade turned to the door once again and carefully opened it and saw a police officer of medium height looking at her and his gaze turned to the frying pan in her hand. "I really hope you don't plan on using that on me." The officer said calmly.

"Depends on what your about to say." Jade said in a somewhat dangerous voice. The officer looked at her and saw Tori in the kitchen. "May I come in?"

Tori slowly left the kitchen and approached Jade. She was taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down. "I see that you already saw the news." The officer said quietly. "It looks like Mr. Daniels somehow managed to get the drop on one of the guards, knocked him out and took his uniform while leaving the guard in his cell wearing his clothes. He walked out when the rest of the guards changed shifts."

Tori tried to speak but found she couldn't. Jade placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as she looked back at the officer as she put down the frying pain in her other hand. "Do you think he's coming here?"

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