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"What did you say?!"

"Nothing! He said nothing!"

"Shut up dingbat!"

Jade West glared at Rex and Robbie as Robbie cowered in fear in front of the angry jade. "I'm going to give you to the count of three to apologize which is something I normally don't do." Jade said with an angry glare. She held up three fingers and stared at Rex.


"Rex! Just apologize!"

"Admit it, you want to see it!"

"I don't!"


Robbie quickly backed away from Jade as Jade continued advancing on him with murderous rage and embarrassment evident in her eyes. "Last chance. Apologize."

Just as Jade lowered the third finger and her mouth began to form the word three she felt a pair of hands wrap around her and pull her away from the frightened Robbie.

"Jade...remember the talk we had a few days ago? About not getting so angry when people say things?" Tori asked carefully as she pulled her towards her locker. "You didn't hear what he said. That puppet is heading for a meeting with the wood-chipper!"

Tori raised her eyebrow and looked at Jade who looked as if she was ready to blow her top. She'd seen Jade angry before but this was different. There was anger in her eyes but also something else. Tori looked closer.

"Jade...are you embarrassed? Of...being with me?" Tori asked carefully. Jade immediately turned to stare at her. "Of course not!" She exclaimed as she turned to look back at Robbie as he got to his feet. Her gaze focused in on Rex and her eyes narrowed.

"Jade...are you seriously pissed off at the puppet?"

"Yes! No! I...You didn't hear what he said!"

Tori looked over at Rex and then back at Jade. "Okay...what did Rex say?" She asked carefully. Jade's fists were clenched but they were slowly starting to loosen up a bit. "Rex...Rex asked if we made a tape."

A brief silence surrounded the two girls. Tori's jaw had dropped and although Jade was still angry she couldn't help but smirk a bit at Tori's expression. "The puppet...Rex...asked if we made a tape? A tape of...uh...us?"

Jade nodded and turned to look back at Robbie and Rex only to see that the two had disappeared. Tori turned to look at Jade and then back where Robbie had been a moment ago. "So...uh...where do you think he went?" Tori asked casually. "No idea." Jade growled.

"I don't care which of us finds Robbie and that damn puppet first. I get first shot at the puppet."

Jade looked over at Tori and smirked. "It's nice to see that some of my personality is starting to rub off on you." She said with a small laugh as Tori turned to look back at Jade with mock narrowed eyes. "I have learned a few other things from you." She said as she gave Jade a kiss on the cheek and dug her hands into Jade's pocket and pulled out a scissors. "Be back soon." She called over her shoulder as she seemed to locate her target."

"You better run, Robbie! When I catch you and that puppet..." Jade couldn't help but laugh as she heard a frightened yell echo from down the hallway and a victorious shout from Tori.

"No! Not the hair!" Robbie's panicked voice echoed through the hallway.

She's coming along nicely. Jade thought with a smile.

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