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Three days later

It was near midnight when Tori heard the sound of knocking at the front door. She slowly opened her eyes and sighed heavily when she realized that she had fallen asleep on the couch once again. I really need to try and at least make it up the stairs, or Trina could at least try and wake me up when she sees me sleeping down here.

The sound of knocking continued and Tori got to her feet and muttered a few choice words under her breath as she reached the door. The muttering immediately stopped and Tori's eyes widened in shock. She could see that it was raining outside but that didn't concern her at the moment. It was the figure standing outside her door in the rain.


Jade was standing outside, she was soaking wet and Tori could see that she had been crying. "Jade! What happened? What's wrong?" Jade just shook her head and let out a muffled sob as Tori pulled her into the living room. Tori gently guided her to the couch and Jade sat down as she tried to contain her sobs.

Did someone beat her up?!

It was a few minutes later that Jade was able to get a single word out and with that word Tori instantly figured out what happened and when the realization hit her she felt her blood boil.


"Jade...how did he find out?" Tori asked softly as she tried to console the weeping goth woman. It was a few minutes before Jade managed to stop sobbing. "I-I left my phone out and he saw my messages. He saw the ones that you and I sent each other" Jade said as a small sob escaped her. Tori pulled Jade into a close hug and Jade began sobbing into Tori's shoulder again. "He just kept screaming and shouting at me." Jade whispered hoarsely. "He kept saying I was a mistake, and then he threw me out of the house."

Tori couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that Jade didn't have the best relationship with her father but to throw her out in the middle of a rainstorm...it made Tori angrier then she had ever felt before. She heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and turned and saw her mother looking at Tori and the sobbing Jade. Her mother gave her a confused look and Tori motioned her over to the couch.

"Her dad threw her out." Tori said simply as the confused look on her mother's face was replaced by one of anger. Tori looked down at the sobbing Jade and back up at her mother. "She needs a place to stay for awhile, is it alr-?"

Tori's mother didn't even give her a chance to finish asking the question. "Of course she can." Tori's mother said firmly. "She can stay here as long as she needs to."

A few minutes later, Jade managed to stop sobbing and she looked up at Tori's mother. Jade and Tori's mom were the only one downstairs at the moment, Tori was upstairs fixing up a place for her to stay. "T-Thank you for letting me stay here." She said quietly as Tori's mother handed her a cup of coffee.

"It's no trouble." Tori's mother said with a gentle smile that quickly turned to a frown. "I'm tempted to have my husband talk to his friends at the police station about this. What he did is unforgivable." Jade shrugged her shoulders. "It wouldn't matter. If I go back he's just going to throw me out again."

"We're not going to let anything happen to you Jade. I know you love my daughter and I know my daughter loves you. That makes you part of the family." She smiled gently at the panicked look in Jade's eyes. "Don't worry, Tori didn't tell me and neither did Trina. Tori left her phone on the counter around two days ago and I saw a message you sent her."

"You aren't mad?"

"Of course not. It doesn't matter to me or my husband. We just want our daughter to be happy. If she's happy with you then that's fine with us. Besides, you were the one who saved Tori from Ryder. You kept our daughter safe." Tori's mother smirked slightly. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you can keep Trina in line while you stay here."

Jade hesitantly smiled and didn't resist as Tori's mother gave her a hug. "You can stay here as long as you need to."

The two of them looked up at the stairs as they heard the door to Tori's room close. "Just don't let Tori know that I read her messages once in awhile." Tori's mother said with a smile as she headed into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

Tori walked down the stairs and smiled slightly as she saw the small smile on Jade's face. "Are you feeling any better? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yeah...Yeah I'm a bit better. Your mom gave me some coffee and said I could stick around for awhile." Jade said quietly. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to get some sleep, it's really late and we do have school tomorrow."

Tori smiled slightly as she grabbed Jade's hand and led her up the stairs. The two of them stopped for a moment as Tori's mother spoke up. "If you feel you need some time to recover, you don't have to go to school tomorrow."

Jade smiled slightly. I wish my family was more like this one. She thought to herself as the two headed up the stairs and Jade saw that there were more pillows on the bed then the last time she had been on Tori's room. Tori motioned at the bed.

"It's okay Jade." Tori said softly. "I'll stay with you for as long as you need me. Besides, I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor or in a sleeping bag. Just lay down and go to sleep." Tori gently placed a kiss on Jade's forehead as she climbed into the bed and Tori climbed in a moment later.

"If you need anything just let me know." Tori said softly as Jade closed her eyes.

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