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One Year Later

Tori Vega couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of her fiancee, soon-to-be-wife staring intently at the TV. "You already know how the movie ends, why do you watch it over and over?" Jade West turned to Tori and put a finger up to her lips in a shushing gesture before turning back to the TV. "Because it's one of the best horror movies out there."

Tori rolled her eyes again and smirked as she laid her arm across Jade's shoulders but it didn't seem like she even noticed. The sudden ringing of her phone seemed to shake Jade out of her horror movie trance. She scowled and grabbed the phone as she paused the movie and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Tori couldn't help but notice that after a few moments of listening to the caller, Jade sat up straight and her tone turned to one of disgust. "No, No I don't think so. You weren't exactly the most supportive when you found out. I don't even know how you managed to get a hold of me, I blocked your number after our last conversation." Tori turned to look at Jade with a questioning look on her face but Jade didn't seem to notice. "I don't care if you're sorry! You really hurt me when you did what you did! This conversation is over. Bye."

Tori raised here eyebrows in confusion. "So...going to tell me what that was about?" She asked carefully. Jade stared at the TV screen without moving but her eyes were not focused on the TV. "Jade?" Tori asked again in a slightly more cautious tone. Jade put a hand up to block the side of her face that Tori was facing. Now Tori was concerned. Usually when Jade didn't want to talk about something she said to drop it and people who were wise dropped it lest they face her wrath. This was somewhat new and concerning behavior.

Tori moved a bit closer to her and gently moved Jade's hand away from her face. She was most likely the only one who could get away with something like this but what Tori saw caused her eyes to widen in shock.

Jade was fighting back tears.

"Jade? What's going on? Who called you?" Tori asked in a tone that promised horrible pain and suffering on the one who had hurt her girlfriend. Jade just shook her head as the tears began to flow freely now.


"It was my dad!" Jade snapped angrily through the tears. "I don't know how but he heard about the wedding! He wants to be a part of it!" Jade grabbed a pillow and let a scream of rage into the pillow and a moment later threw it against the wall. Tori couldn't help but feel sorry for Jade. When her father had found out about her relationship with Tori he had thrown her out of the house in the middle of a severe rainstorm and had said some very hurtful things along the lines of her being a mistake. It had taken a while but Jade had been allowed to stay with Tori's family and things had begun to get better for her. In the last five months, Tori and Jade had been able to get their own apartment and had managed to get jobs while they began working on their dream careers.

"Jade, I know your dad hurt you big time. If you want, we can make sure he doesn't get into the wedding. My family has connections." Tori said with a faint smile. Jade brought her fists down on the couch which wiped the smile from Tori's face. Jade was pissed. More pissed then Tori had seen her in a while. "I HATE him!" She snarled. "He was always a jackass to my mom when she was alive! He was always critical of me back when he was still a part of my life and you know what he did when he found out about you and me!"

Tori tried to contain her rising anger at seeing her future wife so upset. "Why? The guy said a lot of hurtful things. He made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with us. We haven't gotten a phone call or anything from him after what he did! He didn't say two words to us when we got your stuff from his house! We didn't even get a card after the wedding announcement in the paper! Why the hell does he want to be a part of it now?!"

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