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Sunday Morning

Jade couldn't help but let a smirk build on her face as she watched Tori walk unsteadily out of her bedroom and head downstairs to get a drink. Tori may have started this whole experience but Jade was determined to try and keep up with her. Apparently, she had won this round. She couldn't help but be a bit proud of herself for being able to keep up with Tori.

She may have won round one, but round two belongs to me. She thought to herself with a smirk as Tori came back up the stairs and smiled at Jade. "Not gonna lie, Jade I think you managed to win round two." Jade smirked back at her. "I plan on winning the final round." She said as she got up off the bed and took Tori into an embrace and nuzzled the side of her neck. "What did I do to deserve someone like you, Tori?"

Tori couldn't help but smile. "I could ask myself the same thing." She said softly as she kissed Jade on the top of her head. Tori abruptly looked up as she heard the sound of a car door slamming shut.

"Oh...that's not good." Tori muttered as she heard the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut a minute later. Jade turned to look at the door and then back at Tori. "Please tell me your parents are coming home today and that can't possibly be Trina."

Tori shook her head in mock despair.

"Tori? Tori are you home? I finished up my audition early! The guy in charge of the auditions said he'd think about calling me after he thought about how my performance affected him for a few days!"

"She was supposed to come home later tonight!" Tori growled as she heard the sound of Trina's feet coming up the stairs. Tori turned to Jade. "You need to hide!" Jade frowned. "Why do I need to hide?"

Tori motioned towards the door. "Do you really want my sister to ask you why you and I are in our underwear? Trina might not be the smartest person in the world but she's going to figure out what we were doing really fast."

Jade nodded and quickly looked around the room. "Good point. Now, where am I supposed to hide?!"

Tori motioned at the bed. "Quick, under the bed!" Tori whispered urgently as she grabbed a nearby towel as Jade dove over the bed and landed on the other side of the bed facing away from the door. She heard the door swing open as she managed to hide herself under the bed and stayed as silent as she could under the circumstances.

"Tori, I thought you weren't home for a second. Just get done in the shower?"

"Yeah. I was a bit busy yesterday I didn't have time to shower last night before going to bed, so the audition went well?"

"Yeah! He might call...he actually looked really happy when the audition ended."

Jade couldn't help but smile slightly. Trina didn't seem to understand how auditions worked. Or how bad she sounded when she sang.

"So, what did you do this weekend?"

"Nothing much," came Tori's nonchalant reply. "Mostly just sat around the house and watched TV."

"I figured as muc-...wait. What's the smell?"

Oh damn.

"Hey Tori, did you do push-ups or exercise or something this weekend? It smells like you were sweating really badly or something."

Just walk away...Just please for the love of God walk away.

Jade then saw something that nearly made her heart stop. Her bra was sitting on the floor almost directly under the edge of the bed. Oh...damn. That's really not good.

"I did...uh...I went for a run earlier today. I didn't sleep that well last night so I got up early this morning and took a run around the block."

Well, at least she's telling the truth. Both of us didn't do much sleeping. Jade thought to herself with a smirk as she tried to reach for the bra before Trina saw it.

"Oooookay." Trina said suspiciously as she turned around and Jade breathed a sign of relief until a moment later when Trina stopped as she looked at the door. "Tori. This looks a lot like Jade's jacket. Did you go shopping or something?"

"Uh...yes. Yes I did. I like the look of her jacket so I got one myself."

"But you just said you stuck around the house all weekend and...Oh my god...Did you and Jade...I...did you-?!"


Don't ask how it was, Don't ask how it was, Please for the love of god and all things holy don't ask how it was.

"Is...Is Jade still here? If her jacket is still here..." Jade wanted to try and grab the bra but didn't get a chance before Trina walked towards the bed and she saw a hand reach down and grab the bra before she could grab it. "Please tell me this is yours and Jade isn't hiding somewhere in the house. And please tell me that she's not hiding somewhere in this room."

Jade heard Tori sigh heavily. "Might as well come out Jade, she knows."

If she asks how it was they'll never find her body. Jade thought to herself as she tried to get out from under the bed.

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