Elisop (Angst)

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Hello! This was requested by @user82275495!
Okay any who lets get started!
       At the Manor in Aesop's room
                        Aesop's POV
'..It's been awhile since me and eli have been dating sure were happy but i have a slight feeling that someone might take him from me. I honestly love that cute silly guy but..What if he ends up leaving me for a other person?..' Aesop said in his own thoughts by that he was getting anxious that Eli would change his views on him which made him shiver down his spine as Aesop started to sob quietly in his room which he fell asleep.
                      In Naib's room(owo)
                              Eli's POV
"Hey naib what do you think Aesop would like this?" Eli asked showing Naib a jar with lots of kisses inside and words outside and wrote on a piece of paper and taped on which read 'Kisses for you when i can't be with you! Xoxo'
"I'm sure he'll like it after all you guys are dating and you guys pretty much look happy with eachother!" Naib said with a smile "But Naib what if he doesn't?" Eli said with a sad looking face he'd on "Oh c'mon just go give it to him tomorrow kay? But you should go to your room and sleep so you can wake early and give it to Aesop!" Naib said pushing Eli out of his room and closing the door after he finished talking. Eli sighed and went to his room and closed the door where he was greeted by his owl. As he changed to a other clothing and went to bed.
                      In the morning
                         Aesop's POV
Knock knock. Aesop turned as he heard someone knocking on the door as he got up and went to the door and opened it and to his surprise it was Eli, Aesop can't really handle it when he sees Eli even when they're dating he just can't stop looking at him but the most thing that bothered him is...That blindfold..Aesop would want to look into those eyes and observe every detail  and he was partly dying to know— " I got you some kisses when we're not together and you can get one when you want to!" Eli said blushing giving the jar to Aesop when he looked at Eli he had a smile on his face and it just kills him when he sees that smile! "T-thank you E-eli.." Aesop said stuttering as he blushed hardly and set the jar on the desk and Aesop went back to the door he looked around 'huh no one is in the halls..' without thinking Aesop pulled Eli inside his room closing the door and pushing Eli on the floor taking off Eli's blindfold and to his surprise he saw...Blue eyes..Not like naib's eyes..Aesop observed Eli's eyes and it reminded him of a ocean "Wow..Your eyes are very beautiful!" Aesop said blushing brightly as he gave Eli a smooch on the cheek Eli blushed from the compliment and from the smooch on his cheek as he chuckled "Well I've never seen you this cute since I told you that i loved you and wanted to be with you" Eli said with a smirk as he wanted to make Aesop blush more which Aesop did "S-stop it you m-meanie!" Aesop said getting a pillow and playfully hit Eli with it but gently.  Eli laughed at the sudden move of what Aesop did and moved Aesop's arms up and gives Aesop a kiss on the lips which aesop gave in return and giggled "Hey we got a match in 1 minute and you should get ready" Eli said looking at Aesop who's in their pj's and with their hair loose Aesop quickly got his folded clothes and went inside the bathroom to change and do his hair with his finest hair brush that he'd never shared his brush with anyone except for Eli since he allows Eli to brush his hair and Aesop grabbed his makeup box as he was ready as they walked out of the room and Aesop noticed Eli placed his blindfold on but he finally knew what his eye color were and it was worth it!
                  While in the match
Aesop was partly hurt and he'd been bleeding since he kept getting attacked by the Wu Chang but he left him alone and no sight of Eli could be found but if he got attacked again he would be bleeding to death. And there's only one cipher left which the sound came on where the gates were available to decode on. Then out of nowhere Wu chang spawned infront of him and hitting him as Aesop lay on the floor bleeding "heck...This hurts so bad.." aesop said wincing at the pain and to his sight he saw Eli "H-hey Aesop! P-please don't die yet Emily is coming to help you and—" Eli was cut off by Aesop moving his arm at Eli "n-no Eli..You should escape I'll be fine i promise..." Aesop said with a smile and a faint voice which made Eli to tear up "I-im not leaving without you Aesop!" Eli said picking up aesop amd going to the gate and escaping along with Aesop in his arms where Aesop was getting treatment by Emily, after awhile Aesop stopped bleeding and was next to Eli cuddling in Eli's arms as he felt safe and sound.
                  Later in the Manor
                          Eli's POV
Walking down the halls and i passed someones room where i heard crying, Eli opened the door and it was Fiona who was crying on the floor "What's wrong Fiona who hurt you?" Eli asked worried as Fiona looked up at Eli "H-he left m-me.." Fiona said and started sobbing as Eli comfort her as Fiona stopped sobbing she looked at Eli, Eli looked back at her and All of a sudden Eli felt lips on his lips then he realized that Fiona had kissed him and it was also a bad timing because Aesop walked in since he saw him walked in there so he ran back to his room and grabbed something and there he was standing at the door in shock with tears in his eyes "A-aesop wait it's not what it looks like!" Eli shouted after Aesop but a box fell from Aesop's arms which he was gonna give to Eli since he ran off in his room to get the gift and give it to Eli, Eli picked up the box and opened it and lots of pictures where It was him and Aesop taking pictures together and with chocolate placed perfectly in the box and a piece of paper with "i love you xoxo" Eli blushed at the letter then went after Aesop who ran inside his room and closed it and locked it where Eli couldn't open it, "A-aesop please..I didn't do it..She kissed me and...Just please open the door and let me explain..." Eli said in a worried/sad tone...No answer...Eli grabbed a spare key and opened the door and to his surprise he found aesop cutting his arm  and turned to Eli with tears in his eyes and Eli looked back at Aesop which was telling him he doesn't want to live anymore. Eli was partly half sobbing and ran to Aesop and stop him but before Eli could do that Aesop stabbed himself in the stomach with a smile on his face slowly dying of blood loss, Eli grabbed him and held him in his arms and sob "A-aesop—" Aesop cut him off by stabbing him in the stomach "let's die together so we can be together forever..." Eli held Aesop in his arms as Aesop cuddled in and gave one last kiss to eachother as they said goodbye in their kiss.
Aesop and eli were together as angels (ig) in heaven where they never let go of eachother and everywhere they go they'd cuddle and give eachother kisses and as for Fiona she loved Eli but Going in the room where Eli and Aesop were in the room together she couldn't help it but sob as it made a scene which they all swear to keep them happy and as for naib he tries to communicate with them  as therefore they're ghosts but in heaven(??) but naib did have contact with them in his dreams which didn't stop him of talking to them, Eli and Aesop? Well they're together forever and stays by eachother side and can't bear it when they're not together.
                          The end
Golly that was alot but i hope you enjoy it and dang that was 1465 words!(1468)

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