"Don't Worry About it" Naib x Eli

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This was requested by __wuchonk!
Hope you enjoy! :3

Contains jealousy and some tea (*^▽^*)


As a pen clicked and writing motion and sounds begin
'Dear Diary, today has been the worse day ever. I can't believe that Eli Clark has been giving his attention to Aesop Carl, I can't help it but look in their direction and they seem so.... Happy. It makes me so mad and heartbroken that Eli started to distance himself from me and hang out with him... I just wish he would snap out of it and come back to me and explode on me with hugs and affection...' There's light sobbing as the pen started to shake making the handwriting looking not so perfect as the tears fall from Naibs own eyes and fall onto the paper making the ink kind of messy. Naib dried his tears and begins writing in his diary once more, '... I just wish for the old Eli back.. I don't want him to spend less time with me by that Aesop, is he-' a knock was on the door making the boy flinch since it was unexpected and stood up and made himself walk to the door only opening the door alittle bit allowing him to see who it is, it was Emily. "Breakfast is soon to be ready" Emily said looking at Naib struggling to see him it only took a few moments for Naib to respond "...Okay.. I'll be down in two minutes.." Naib said making Emily nod and leave to go inform the others.

Naib closed his diary and looked at his own diary holding back his urge of breaking down as he got dressed and got himself ready before going to the table. Naib sat at the table staring down as he sit there quietly until he heard footsteps approach the door making Naib curious he looked up only to find Eli and Aesop together but they were talking to eachother until Naib filled with hatred at Aesop and the pair but had his heart broke more when he saw them holding hands. Naib shook it off then got uncomfortable when they sat next to him which made him kind of angry and not wanting to hear their conversation an- "Hey Naib, everything alright?" Naib looked up only to see William, Naib's bestfriend, and Naib shook his head which meant no, only to make William sad then something made William's face brighten as he grabbed Naib and dragged him To somewhere. Naib was used to this since William always does this to him ever since they met eachother and instantly became best buddies but it turns out William had moved Naib away from Eli and Aesop to William's other friends, also known as Naib's friends. Tracy, Norton, Mike, and last but not least Emma, after awhile of talking, Emily had served their breakfast then after breakfast they had a match and Naib was just shocked to hear his name to be called in the match.

Naib sat at the table waiting for the others to appear but it only made Naib even more heartbroken knowing he was in a match with Aesop and his lover Eli. The thoughts of Eli and Aesop together made Naib much more depressing as sadness filled him as he fought the urge of breaking down while Eli was next to Naib, Naib took a look only to see Eli facing and talking to Aesop, Naib looked back looking down to his lap then all of a sudden he grabbed Eli's hand and held it as he looked down only to make Eli shocked at the sudden movement from Naib as if he never noticed him there then Eli moved Naib's face only to meet Eli's face as Naib can see Aesop making eye contact to Naib making an annoyed face making Naib uncomfortable as he moved Eli's hands away and looking back down to his lap then the sound of breaking glass slowly fades away when all survivors and hunter wake up to find themselves in random places in the map of Red Church then 20 minutes later Geisha had found Naib surprisingly Naib just looked at her and looked back down with tears falling down his cheeks and onto his lap, the sight of Naib only made Geisha feel horrible for the boy as she approaches him "What's wrong Naib?" Geisha asked as she looked at Naib who only exploded telling her how jealous he felt of Aesop and Eli even though that Eli was his boyfriend and he shouldn't be showering someone else his love and affection then he stopped only breaking down as he sobbed. Geisha hugged Naib and hushed him softly as she hushed him like a mother would do if her baby were crying. Naib soon woke up overhearing Geisha's conversations with the hunters "We just can't have him over there being in this state! We have to help him to recover so he can confront Eli about it because it isn't our business to Naib's situation because Eli might be confused or somethin-" Geisha was cut off hearing Naib response "..I don't want to talk to Eli..." Naib said only to end up sobbing over Eli again, Geisha went back to Naib and comfort him "She's right, we have to help Naib recover from being hurt by Eli" Mary said as she looked at the other hunters who nodded.

~~After a month had passed~~

Naib has returned to the Survivors only to be greeted by everyone in the survivor side saying "where did you go" and yada yada, it only made Naib feel kinda bad for leaving them like that until he asked a question that made everyone looked suspicious amd curious "Where's Eli?" Naib asked as they looked at Naib "Didn't you hear? Eli and Aesop are in a rel-" Vera was cut off "Naib!" Eli said before hugging Naib tightly as Naib just stood there in shock since it's been a long time since he's ever seen Eli or had been shown love by his own lover as Naib starts to tear up emotionally when he felt his own lovers around him making him feel loved until that very moment was ruined "Stop touching my boyfriend." a voice said (i told you theres some tea haha-) Naib looked only to show an undetected emotion on his face when he saw Aesop with his arms crossed (sassy-) then Naib looked at Eli only to find him staring back at him with a sinister smile.(not gonna hurt him like that ahha-)

Naib screamed when he woke up and looked around as he was sweating (poor bby) then Geisha burst in the room only to find a terrified Naib and rushed over to hug Naib to comfort him "What's wrong Naib? Was it another nightmare?" Geisha asked worryingly as Naib nodded only to end up sobbing again
~~Return of Naib~~

Naib walked into the Manor it was the same thing but Naib had a dread and he saw Norton, Emma, Tracy, and William talking about something but Naib rushed over while the group looked over  "Are Eli and Aesop in a relationship?!" Naib asked lowkey freaking out "No, why?" Tracy asked then getting it "ooohhhh..-" only to be cut off by someone entering the dinner table room which was Eli but Naib looked at him then Eli ran to Naib hugging him tightly in his grasp saying how much he missed him and how much he was sorry for not paying attention to him and promise to make it up for it except it only made Naib laugh
"Dont worry about it" Naib said laughing as they hug eachother as they exchanged kisses to one and another
Then Aesop fell in love with uhhh- Josephhh :DDD
And for the two they never broke from eachothers embrace and are much more clingy onto eachother- aawww how cute :D
Hope you enjoyed this update of my book <3 and hope you enjoyed this request __wuchonk :D

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