"I won't leave you " Neko!Aesop x Jack

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Requested by : AquaticBubble
I hope you enjoy the story >w<!


Aesop's POV
I opened my eyes and saw that i was in the map called Moonlit River Park, I noticed that i spawned next to the tent, I blinked then started to wonder around the map hoping to find a spot to place down my coffin then i suddenly heard a hum behind me. 'Was it possibly the hunter was behind me..?' I sighed and closed my eyes in annoyance 'how can i be so careless on not noticing the hunter till now? Was it because i was looking for a spot to set my coffin down-...... It was.' I sighed again and opened my eyes only to jump and fall only to be caught. "My my, you're quite clumsy dear~" the other male said before pulling me up in his arms only to be carried in a bride style. I blushed at how soft and seductive  the voice was, i kept quiet.
"Are you lost? Do you want me to take you to a cipher machine?" Said the other male looking down at me as i looked at him and blushed once more "I.... I was looking for a spot to put my coffin down." I said nervously, I didn't like it when I had to make eye contact with others.
"Oh my, are you that Embalmer that other hunters speak about?" Said the male once more, I nodded "Are you The Ripper?" I asked looking up at him as he nodded "You can call me Jack" He said while looking down at me. "Hello Jack, I'm Aesop, Aesop The Embalmer." I said smiling underneath my mask while i blushed.
Jack's POV
"My- You're cute, very cute my dear" I said kissing Aesop's forehead while Aesop had blushed made me chuckled, I spotted the Doctor and I placed Aesop down gently and started to chase after the Doctor and once i had her on a rocket chair i turned back and flinched a bit when I saw that Aesop was right there then a split moment the Doctor was saved, I attacked her with my foggy blade and placed her back on the rocket chair and i ended up terror shocking the Priestess after sometime there was two people left except... The Mechanic had escaped and it was only him and Aesop.

Aesop's POV
Jack had took me to the dungeon, I tugged on his sleeve and whined "Please don't leave me Jack... I don't wanna be alone..." I pleaded at Jack, Jack petted me "It's gonna be okay Aesop! I'll take you to my room after this, does that sound good to you?" He asked me as my ears were down as I purred at the touch, I nodded as I felt sad that I had to leave Jack all alone. I went in the dungeon, it went dark.

At the Manor
Jack's POV
I waited for Aesop to arrive, I looked at the clock to only find it was 11:30 pm, then I felt a soft tug to only look down and saw my precious Kitty Aesop, I picked him up in Bride style and took him to my room, Aesop had brought his Pj clothes, as i changed in the bathroom into my Pjs too. I crawled in bed with Aesop and hugged him as we both laid there.

Aesop's POV
I woke up only to find Jack beside me getting ready as i tugged on his shirt making him look back I started to tear up "Please don't leave me again... It's scary.." I said looking at Jack in tears, Jack pulled me into a hug as i hugged back amd he pulled away giving me a kiss on the forehead, I sniffled as Jack looked at me "i won't leave you, Aesop.." Jack said softly giving me another kiss " i will never leave you all alone, okay?" He said once more.
I nodded and hugged him and we stayed like that until 8:00 am.

I hope you enjoyed the story AquaticBubble! I hope it wasn't boring or anything qwq

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