"You'll never leave" Yandere! Aesop x Lucky guy

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Hope you enjoy this book @TheEmbalmerofDead :3
The sound of doors opening and closing along followed the sounds of people talking and whispering but Lucky was usually quiet not like he had a reason to anyway.
He still sat there waiting for breakfast but the Manor door opens, Lucky looked up to the direction of the sound. He got up and left the dining room to the main room hiding behind a plant, there standing looking around, he had such beautiful hair and was unique than the rest.
He had silver hair along with silver eyes and he wore a mask along with clothes that looked emo, Lucky blushed at the sight of him, Lucky approached him "Hi there! I don't think we've met before but I'm Lucky Guy but you can call me Lucky or Liam, well mostly people call me Lucky so yeah! Sooo what's your name?" Lucky said making eye contact with the mysterious handsome man in front of him as he smiled "...Nice to meet you Lucky.. I'm Aesop. The Embalmer" Aesop said making eye contact back, Lucky smiled once more and grabbed Aesop's hand "I'll show you around but we have to eat breakfast first!" Lucky said waiting for a response but Aesop only nodded and underneath his mask he smiled at how adorable Lucky was, 'maybe I can make him mine one day' Aesop thought and made him grin underneath his mask.
~After being greeted by the other people within the Manor and eating with them~
"Here we are! This is your room but if you feel lonely you can come to my room anytime! My room is labeled as the letter L" Lucky said with a smile before giving out a giggle.
Aesop patted his head "I guess I'll be sleeping with you tonight" Aesop said with a smirk as he looked down at Lucky who blushed at that 'how cute' Aesop thought in his mind.
"I-I guess so" Lucky said looking away it went quiet "Oh! Let's go to the garden before matches start!" Lucky said before dragging Aesop to the garden and sat down on the bench, 'This is amazing! I now have a friend to talk to!' Lucky said in his mind that made him swing his legs up and back, Lucky found some flowers and looked at Aesop while holding them "May i?" Lucky asked looking at Aesop.
An arrow went through Aesop's heart and nodded yes in response, Lucky smiled and giggled while he placed the flowers neatly on Aesop's head "Hurray! Now you look twice flattering!" Lucky said giggling at his own joke, Aesop chuckled before giving Lucky a kiss on the forehead, Aesop grabbed Lucky's hand and took out a ring and placed it on Lucky's hand "Oh? Why did you put a ring on me Aesop?" Lucky asked with a blush "..It's a friendship ring" Aesop lied as he patted Lucky's head again.
"Boys! Time for your match!" Emily yelled out Lucky and I, 'How dare you ruin this moment' Aesop thought with annoyed face as he looked at the entrance of the garden, Lucky saw this, "It's okay Aesop, atleast we have a match together" Lucky said smiling and dragging Aesop to the Match room once more.
~After match, it was 12:00 am~
"My gosh, that was a long match Aesop! You were very good at kiting and containing the hunter even when they had detention!" Lucky said praising Aesop "I guess you can call me lucky" Aesop said as he chuckled. They both made their way to Lucky's bedroom to fall asleep.
Lucky's POV
I opened my eyes and saw a dark figure i approached it, "....Emma..?" I said looking at the figure as it slowly turned around and ran in fright then a other black figure appeared chasing the poor girl with a knife in their hand. I couldn't move as if I was paralyzed and at the far end of the hallway there was a body of Emma laying there as she bled out with the knife pushed further onto her back.
The black figure who once had the knife walked back to me which made me frightened and closed my eyes as tears threatened to spill but I was comforted by a gentle push on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and Aesop was there. I broke down crying and hugged Aesop tightly then i opened my eyes to thank him only to find another body at the doorway.
I backed away from Aesop looking at the body and then at him, Aesop smiled "Eve if you try to escape, you'll never leave anyway" Aesop said ending it with a dark chuckle as police sirens rang into my head as I passed out right in front of Aesop.
It's been six months ever since that night at exactly 3:00 where we found everyone dead but not Lucky guy and The Embalmer. We do not have any fingerprints on the weapons that was used to kill every single person in the manor some were brutally murdered and some were with the basics. But till this day nobody knows where Lucky or Aesop went but all we know is when we entered Lucky's room a clover and a small coffin was positioned beside each other just right.
Hope you enjoyer this chapter haha- sorry that it's been probably 6 days by now but hope this helps!

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