"Will you?" Shy!Emily x Kreacher

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SayChocolate I hope you enjoy this book <3
'It's been 3 years since Kreacher and I had started dating, I still can't believe he had a crush on me like I did to him.' Emily's Dairy
Emily's POV
I just had returned to the Manor after the intense match it came out as a tie but I couldn't help my other two teammates, but it's time to bandage their injuries.

No one's POV
Emily had made her way to her office, she gasped when she saw her office lights turned off. She had sworn she had them on when she left to do the match. She turned the lights on only to make her gasp when she saw the sight of Kreacher with a suit and on his hands he was holding bouquet of roses.
"Happy Anniversary Emily" He said with a smile and grabbed her hand as he bowed to give her hand a kiss, Emily blushed, "T-thank you..Honey" said Emily as she blushed and couldn't handle her shyness when it came across Kreacher, he was very special to her.
He smiled once again when he saw Emily blushing like a tomato. He cleared his throat "Mrs. Nightingale told me that she has a surprise for us but you'll need to wear this dress" Kreacher said holding out the dress (Imagine Firefly costume ahsjsbdj-) Emily gasped seeing the dress of how beautiful it was. Emily nodded as she was too speechless  to respond after all of the love she was receiving at once.
~After she changed into the dress,  placed on her makeup, doing her hair, putting on earrings, and her blue heels~
Emily's POV
I stepped out of the bathroom to meet an amazed Kreacher as he came over and picked me up in bridal style. He looked down at me and smiled giving me a kiss on my forehead, I blushed again like a tomato "You look stunning my dear" Kreacher said as he began to walk to a room where he opened the door (somehow-) with his hand as the doors opened to a room that looked beautiful, it looked like prom.

No one's POV
Kreacher set her down as they made their way to the dance floor where the songs were lofi or instrumental songs that made someone comfort, the atmosphere was warming. "I know you haven't went to prom with anyone in your highschool years, so Nightingale let us have our prom together here" Kreacher said as he looked down at Emily with a smile only to meet a Emily who was crying "Is something wrong Emily?!" Kreacher said panicking as he hugged Emily.
A few seconds later Emily was laughing and looked up sniffling "....Thank you Kreacher.. Thank you for caring, loving me at the worst times... Thank you for everything" Emily said wiping her tears away and hugged Kreacher as a love song started to play, a slow dance, Emily and Kreacher had started to dance together in each other's embrace then they let go when it stopped they both looked at eachother and smiled. Emily closed her eyes for a moment enjoying this time before she opened her eyes
as they filled with tears. the sight infront of her was Kreacher kneeled down holding a box with a ring as Kreacher looked at her "Will you marry me, Emily?" Kreacher said waiting for a response as Emily cried with joy as they hugged together while Emily had the ring on her ring finger.
Hope you enjoyed this story haha- I tried my best on making her shy and stuff auhsh

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