"You're mine" Yandere! Wu Chang x Joseph

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This is a Highschool Au of two yandere brothers and one nerd (Wu Chang and Joseph)
Requested by: BEBE_Joseph
Hope you enjoy this story!! (☆^ー^☆)
Joseph's POV
I opened my eyes in annoyance when I heard the alarm clock beep loudly, I groan and sit on the side of my bed turning the alarm off and i stretched my arms and legs out and yawned. I got up and went to my chair where my uniform was located at.
~~ Time skip where Joseph is going to school (yes he did eat breakfast and changed into his uniform and had brushed his teeth with his toothbrush and his hair with a hair brush)~~
I had arrived infront of the school with my school bag I sighed. walked into the school and made my way to my first classroom. I took a peek inside only to find the teacher late and there was only 6 students well- now 7.. If you count me, the students were Joker, Xie Bi'an (wg), Fan Wujiu (bg), and Michiko.
I sat next to Michiko and I looked at her with a sigh. "What's wrong Joseph?" Michiko said with a tone of worry and few moments later we made eye contact with eachother and i could see that she was worried about me since she was like a mom to me except she was still my best friend.
I shrugged and I looked away and accidentally making eye contact with the twins but they looked away when i discovered that they were looking at me, I shrugged it off since it didn't bother me but then i heard whispering from those two. I tried to listen but I couldn't make it out of what they were saying, i turned to Michiko and told her about how i missed my younger brother but she had told me that he was still here except i couldn't see him at all.
~~ Time Skip~~
Whenever I gotten bullied those bullies never show up the next day.. Or the other. It's like as if they gone missing but later on i noticed the people who I were friends with or talked to recently had disappeared like they never showed up to school the next day just like the bullies but I also had noticed that teachers have been disappearing... But today... It's different... It used to be so packed.. But now it's only me, it's so... Quiet..
~~Time skip after looking through all of the classrooms and no sight of anyone but then.. I heard footsteps i turned around only to find Fan Wujiu. I sighed in relief and looked at him "Strange that people are gone... Huh?" I said nervously as Fan chuckled "I killed them for you dear" Fan said with a smile. I backed away only to bump into someone and i looked up only to see Xie who smiled "I did too, Me and Fan had decided to kill them all even the principal and security and we took half on who to kill" Xie said not even a regret in his tone but only with satisfaction. I was scared for my life as i looked at both if them in horror, they chuckled as they both opened their mouth and what they said was the truth.
"You're Forever Mine"
Throughout the empty halls you can only hear a scream and something metal falling onto the floor.
I hoped you enjoy your request  BEBE_Joseph! :D

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