"Cutie pie!" Shy! Emily x Emma

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@demibourbon_ hope you enjoy this story :D
No ones POV
Within the walls of the Manor, you can hear people talking in their rooms or sleeping but poor Emily can't fall asleep instead she's looking out on her balcony looking up in the sky where the moon sets with a beautiful color shining off the sky, the color you ask? It was dark blue along with light blue bouncing off the moon.
But yet the girl still felt lonely, she can't even express her feelings to people that she loved instead she has to wait or just watch in pain wishing she'd said something earlier. But that's how Emily is she can't help it but get too shy or too nervous to speak to another person even to Emma. Sure she has a crush on her but she seems like she likes someone else like Norton or somebody within the Manor but seems those thoughts started to flood in Emily's mind as she started to break down.

Emily's POV
'I just want her to be mine..' Emily said in her mind as she cried, it felt like an hour before she fell asleep.
She woke up to light tapping. I opened my eyes to see that the sun was going to be set in a few minutes. I sat up and look beside me on who tapped on my shoulder
"Hi Ms. Emily!" Emma said with a smile as she held a rose and grabber my hand and placed the rose in my hand. I smiled "...Thank you E..Emma" I said alittle bit sleepy "Mrs. Nightingale said it's our turn to make the breakfast" Emma said dragging Emily behind her to the kitchen, I struggled to be in the same pace as her but it was no use.
~after making and eating breakfast~
"Ms. Emily come with me!" Emma said excitedly as she dragged Emily again, once again Emily struggled to be in the same pace but she managed. Emma had took Emily to the garden with flowers as they both sat on the bench "..Is there something wrong..?" Emily said worried but nervous as well as her heart beated awfully fast. Emma looked at Emily "No but I got you this!" Emma said pulling out a flower crown and placing it on her head as she giggled, Emily blusher and thanked Emma and closed her eyes to shield her face of being embarrassed then she felt something go on her ring finger. She opened her eyes and gasp and looked at Emma who smiled, it was a ring flower that was on her ring finger. The ring flower looked like it was made a couple minutes ago, Emily blushed like a tomato.
"Awwee! You're like a Cutie pie!" Emma said hugging Emily as she was still a tomato "Emily.. Please be mine you're too cute to even stand!" Emma said blushing and lowering her head as she looked down "..Of course I'll be yours Emma.. I loved you since that day I first met you" Emily said with a smile as they both hug each other knowing they're officially in a relationship.
I hope you enjoyed this @demibourbon_! <3 I also tried making it interesting as well-

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