"N-Norton.." Norton x Naib (Lemon)

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Highschool Au
It's been awhile since Norton and Naib had their alone time with each other, I wonder what they'll do!
It was 11:00 Am where Naib was at his desk, Naib was drawing Norton in ridiculous clothes such as dresses and etc of what females wear. Of course Naib got in trouble for not paying in the lesson but he shook it off, once class was dismissed he ran out looking around to find Norton, Naib saw Norton at the end of the hall as he was talking to Eli.

Norton's POV
"That sounds nice" I said with a smile as Eli and I were making plans on where to hang out with the gang until our conversation was interrupted.
"Norton!" I heard someone call out I turned to look to see a excited Naib tackling me down as Naib was sitting down on my crotch "Look! It's you in girl's clothes!" Naib said giggling as he smiled proudly of his artwork.
I looked at him then at the drawing, I chuckled "Wow, your art skills had gotten better" I said smirking at Naib only to see him pout "Yeah right- I mean- My art skills are getting better every single day!" Naib said pointing at Norton as he tried his best not to grin at him "Yeah, yeah, but can you get off now?" I said looking at Naib as he nodded and got off.

I sat up only to have Naib sitting on my lap, I sighed "...Naib, why are you on my lap?" I said looking at Naib "Because I want you to take me to our class!" Naib said giggling as he hugged Norton.

No one's POV

Norton got up holding Naib up by holding his butt and walked to class
while he held Naib, on the way to the classroom Naib kept giggling and snuggling Norton, the way that Naib was acting cute made Norton smile "We're at our classroom now Naib" Norton said trying to put Naib down then Naib whined "Already?" Naib said looking behind him as soon as he stepped on the floor.

"Huh, we did well.. Let's meet at the fountain when the class is over... Se- Norton" Naib said as he cougher into his hand and looked the other way as he blushed, Norton took note that Naib doesn't like his classmates see and hear him call Norton senpai, Norton nodded then the two boys went inside the classroom.

~After History Class~

Naib's POV

As soon as the bell rung i dashed out and out of the school to the fountain and sat on the bench then I held the letter in my hand and blushed '..I don't think i can... Maybe..? Or maybe in another way....' Naib thought it out then smirked when he came up with a excellent idea to show how much he loved Norton.

No one's POV

Norton had went to the fountain "I'm so sorry for being late, the professor wanted me to tell you that you need to turn in your homework tomorrow or you're gonna be in big trouble again... Naib?" Norton said as he sat beside Naib

Naib looked at Norton then grabbed Norton's arm as he stood up and walked with Norton by dragging him along "Naib? Is something wrong?" Norton said but whenever he tried to talk to Naib or ask what he was doing Naib didn't respond to any of Norton's questions.

When they reached to the bathroom and walked in then Naib opened the stall and shoved Norton in the stall as Naib went in the same stall with Norton with a click following behind as Naib went on his knees ".... Norton.. I.. I want to show you how much I adore you and love you.." Naib said as he slowly unzipped Norton's zipper then unbuttoned his pants and pulled down Norton's boxers so he can get to Norton's member.

Naib looked up at Norton where he found Norton looking down with a red face that looked like a tomato except not that red, Naib smirked then started giving kisses to Norton's member and gently rubbed his member before putting it all in his mouth and bobbing his head up and down on Norton's member.

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