Chapter 2

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"Shorty!" Hanji shouted as she approaches me. "Call me shorty again, and I swear I'm gonna slit your throat." I threatened.

She laughed at my threat and patted my head. "You're so cute when you're angry, Gwen!"

"I'm not cute!" I growled.

"Anyways, commander wants us in his office right now." She said. We walked together towards Erwin's office. Hanji knocked at the door and we entered the room, I took my seat opposite to Mike's and Hanji sat beside me.

Erwin stood up and started talking, "we will be having an expedition in a month, and at the same time, we'll be capturing two titans for Hanji to experiment on." Hanji smiled widely then Erwin continued, "I want you all to prepare and train your squads for this upcoming expedition."

"Hai!" We shouted in unison.

Everyone was starting to leave and I followed then Erwin called for my attention. "Lieutenant Regeay and Lance Corporal Levi, stay for awhile."

I took a sit again and Levi too and we both sat there boredly and emotionlessly while waiting for Erwin to speak.

Commander cleared his throat and laid a map in between us.

"For this expedition, we'll be looking for a certain person who's said to know alot about titans. And at the same time, eliminating the titans wandering in the forests." Erwin explained.

Levi spoke, "who is this certain person?"

Erwin went to his desk and was searching for something. He then took out a paper, or letter perhaps, and lended it to us. "His name is Dr. Grisha Yaeger from Shiganshina District."

My eyes widened when I heard that name. That name is so familiar, I just can't remember. And Shiganshina? Why does it sound so familiar? I snapped back from my thoughts when Erwin called. "Gwen, I want you and Levi to be the ones eliminating the titans considering you two are humanity's strongest. While Hanji and her squad will be capturing titans. Clear?"

"Crystal clear." I affirmed then Erwin dismissed us.

I went to the training grounds to see my squad sparring with Levi's squad. Leila winning over Petra, Hiruka tackling Gunther to the ground, Yuki sitting on Eld, and Ayra knocking Oluo out.

I smiled at my squad, they're so much stronger than the Special Ops squad. I smiled at the thought of how great they've achieved in a span of 1 year. But that still doesn't change the fact that Levi is a hundred times stronger than me.

The cadets were training endlessly and I've got nothing to do. So I decided to get some fresh air in the woods. I patted my beautiful, black stallion, Arion and mounted on its back then made my way to the woods.

I went to my secret cabin in the middle of the forest, I lead Arion to the stable. I entered the cabin and I finally relaxed, all stress and pressures were gone. This is where I usually go whenever an expedition comes up. My guts keep telling me that something's gonna happen, and it pressures me.

My mind was full of worries, so I decided to practice my combat skills in my own training grounds. I wrapped a bandage around my fist to avoid scratches and started punching the tree bark. Eventually, I unwrapped the bandage around my fist and started punching with my bare hands.

I feel no pain at all, weird. My eyes travelled around my fist, checking for scratches, but suprisingly not a single scrape. I shook it off and decided to practice my knife combat skills.

A knife sticks to the board, I took the knife in my hand and admired it over again.

My fingers brushed the word carved in the knife's blade. Freedom. Such a beautiful word, but impossible to achieve. I stared at it for long, and realized that Levi was the one who gave it to me. I blushed at the memory, butterflies went wild in my stomach. What is this feeling?

No. Love is stupid. I shoudln't be feeling this way.

My stomach grumbled, I walked to the kitchedn and searched for food but there was none. So I decided to head back to HQ and rest.

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