Chapter 33

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Third-person POV

Erwin, Levi, Hanji, Mike, Hiruka, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Liela, Ayra, Yuki, a few other officers and Gwen all sat down in a long rectangular table inside the Commander's office for a meeting.

Gwen sits in between Eren and Hanji then opposite to the emotionless Captain, who was staring intently at her.

"What are you looking at shorty?" She hissed at Levi.

"Gwen," Erwin starts. "We may have believed you've lost your memories after the expedition 2 years ago."

"I perfectly remember everything!" Gwen argues, then turns her gaze to Eren who was looking confused.

Erwin lays a few papers infront of Gwen, hesistantly she picks it up and starts reading it. "I was in the Survey Corps before?!" She exclaims in confusion.

"You were in the Survey Corps before?!" Eren yelled out.

"Yes." Erwin responds. "You don't remember anything?"

Gwen shook her head, then she remembered something. Her fingers fiddles with the necklace worn around her neck, she takes out the necklace hidden behind her shirt and shows it to them.

"I woke up one day, I really thought my memories were perfectly intact that time. Then this necklace jangled from my neck, I didn't remember where or from whom this came from, but I remembered this was something special, and I never took this off in the hopes of getting my memories back."

Opposite to her, Levi stares in shock, he was about to speak but he couldn't find the right words. She never took it off, he mumbles to himself. He was feeling happy and depressed at the same time.

He looked around all the other officers, their faces flashed sympathy for they knew where the necklace came from.

"Why are you idiots looking sad all of a sudden?" Gwen scoffed. "Do you know where this came from?"

No one said a word nor shook their heads, Gwen was about to speak again then was interrupted.

"No." Levi bluntly speaks up. "We don't know where it came from."

All officers turned their heads towards the emotionless man.
"Ah, I guess I'll find it out myself." Gwen chimes.

"Ehem," Erwin clears his throat. "It's very strange being in a room full of strangers having a meeting, why don't we introduce ourselves for the second time?"

Everyone nods and starts introducing, starting with Erwin.

"I'll start with myself, I'm Erwin Smith. Commander of the Survey Corps, nice to see you again Gwen." He extends his hand for her to shake but she just boredly stares at it, then he retracts his hand back, blushing from embarassment.

"Hi Gwen! I'm Hanji Zoe! I love titans." Gwen glares at the scientist in disgust. "I was the one that got you killed...well eaten by a titan. And I wanted to thank you! You don't know how much-"

"Oi Shitty-Glasses, enough."

Hanji sat back down then it was Hiruka's turn. "Hiruka Niyuri, current lieutenant of the Scout Regiment, replacing your position after the incident." He frowns, then continues. "But I'm really glad to have you back, lieutenant Gwen, we all are." He smiles and gestures to his squadmates.

"Hey, you're the one who fought me back in Stohess!" Gwen pointed at Hiruka. "Where'd you learn all your moves? You almost beat me up."

Hiruka shrank in his seat as everyone turns to him. "None other than you, lieutenant." Gwen's mouth was twitching to smile but she kept a stoic face.

"What do you mean 'fought back in Stohess'?" Erwin questioned. "Back in Stohess District, she showed up. And I chased her incase she interferes with our plan, then we had a mini combat then..." Hiruka didn't bother finishing his sentence.

"He was knocked out unconscious by me." Gwen flatly interrupts.

The other cadets and officers have already introduced themselves, then it came to the last person, Levi.

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