Chapter 20

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Leo had a smile on his face when he brought himself to a comfortable position. He never had this excited yet happy feeling within himself just by staring at the face right in front of him.

It was morning and the sun rays managed to seep into his room giving it a wonderful golden glow. But nothing in his room shined brighter than the woman sleeping next to him who had the lovely skin colour of bronze that shined brilliantly in the morning sun.

Carly had joined him last night after she had watched a movie with Angel, Eric and Oliver. By then, it was already late, Kim had left a good two hours ago and almost everyone in the house had gone to sleep, except from the two love birds, of course.

It was good she came, Leo thought to himself as he continued to stare at her. She was still sleeping and she looked beautiful, no doubt in his mind that she was. He wished time could slow down so that he could look at her for just a little while longer. Sooner than later, he would have to wake her up.

He stretched his hand and ran it through her lovely silky black hair. For an African American, her hair was gorgeous. He tucked away a strand of her hair that was on her cheek. When his hand brushed over her cheek, ever so gently upon pulling it away, her eyes slowly flew open.

"Morning, sleepy head," said Leo with a smile.

She didn't respond as she smiled through her sleepy eyes and closed them again. She still looked so beautiful with that goofy smile on her face, he thought to himself. Leo chuckled.

"It's already morning?" she asked as she opened her eyes again and looked at him.

"Sadly, yes," he replied. "You know what that means."

Carly groaned like a little girl who didn't want to wake up to go to school as she covered her head with the bed covers.

Leo continued to chuckle. "Come on, you know the drill." He sat up and uncovered the bed cover covering her head.

"Fine," she said as she gave up and sat up on the bed. "I really hoped that I could stay a little longer."

"You're right. But I better get you out of here before anyone wakes up. It might be a weekend but there are still a lot of early birds around here."

Carly smiled at him. "Like you?"

"Like my dad. Come on, we better hurry."

They both got out of bed and got dressed into their nightwear covering themselves with their sleeping gowns. They sneaked out of Leo's room and they tiptoed all the way to Carly's.

"Thanks," said Carly in a low voice when they got to the door. "I'll continue sleeping and we will meet later on."

"Great, I'll see you soon," said Leo as he smiled.

Carly gave him a simple peck on the cheek and quickly went in her room. For a moment, Leo couldn't help but stand there for a moment, lost in thought, until he realised that he had been standing there looking at the door. He smiled at his stupidity as he made his way back to his room.

Just when he got there, he changed his mind and thought he really needed a cup of coffee.

He made his way downstairs and before he could make his way to the kitchen when he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard a noise coming from the kitchen.

He wondered who could be up at this early hour. He knew his dad was always an early bird, but when it came to the weekend, Leo knew he wouldn't be awake for another hour. He made his way to the kitchen and what he saw, shook him a little.

Angel was standing by the kitchen counter where she had put up the coffee maker to make some coffee. Her presence somehow didn't matter to him, but there was some thing that shook him the moment he got there.

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