Chapter 23

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Angel's hair blew in her face as she walked alongside Eric down the lane of Central Park. She tried to tuck her hair away but the breeze passed again and her hair just as before, flew all over her face again.

A few strands of her hair flew into Eric's face who was walking beside her. Angel turned to look at him.

"I'm so sorry, Eric," said Angel, as she managed to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"It's nothing," he said with a bright smile on his face. "I kind of like your hair in my face."

Angel rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I wonder if you're human," she said.

"Oh, I definitely am."

Angel looked forward as she continued to walk with Eric and Oliver walking in front of them. It was such a lovely day to hang out at the park. The place was filled with people obviously walking around with a sense of relief from all the weekday pressure. Skaters skated past them, others were slowly riding around with bikes. Some were having a picnic and others were having a fun time at the lakes.

"Thank you for bringing me here," said Angel as she smiled at Eric. "I really needed the fresh air."

"And also the exercise," said Eric.

"Eric, can we get ice-cream?" Oliver asked when he saw an ice-cream man with his ice-cream stand selling ice-cream. "I really want one."

"I would also like ice-cream," said Angel.

"Okay, what flavour?" Eric asked as he started to remove his wallet from his pocket of his jean trousers.


"I like chocolate too," said Oliver.

"I'll get a vanilla," said Eric. "You two seem to be in a mood for chocolate."

"I just love chocolate," said Angel.

"I love it too," said Oliver as he smiled up at Angel.

The three of them approached the ice-cream cart and Eric payed for the ice-cream cones. They decided to sit on an empty park bench nearby close to the lake after a couple had just got up from it.

After finishing his ice-cream, Oliver asked if he could go towards the banks of the lake and look at the fish.

"Just don't fall in, I don't want to jump in the lake when you do," said Eric.

"Don't worry, I won't," said Oliver. He turned and walked away and headed towards the lake.

"You can be a little mean sometimes," said Angel.

"I'm not mean," said Eric as he ate away at his ice-cream cone. "Sometimes you need to be a little bit strict with him."

"Ya, you're right." Angel turned to look at the lake.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Eric asked after he finished his ice-cream cone.

"Nothing," Angel replied as she went back to finishing her ice-cream.

"I know that look. Did you have a fight with Leo again?"

Angel turned to look at Eric with her eyebrow raised. "You're just like Carly always wondering if I ever got into a fight with him."

"Well, did you?"

Angel paused as she went through what happened earlier in the morning. "No, we didn't. Exactly, when I woke up, he and I talked in the kitchen when I was preparing coffee without any fight."

"You two had a peaceful talk? Well, that's nice."

Angel playfully smiled at Eric. "Don't make fun of me, Eric. I'm simply tired of always fighting and I told him that."

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