Chapter 27

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Kino's POV

I don't know why I back off when Hui and Hongseok told me that I have to confess.

Maybe because I felt pressured and... scared.

I'm scared our friendship will change, that she might get awkward and avoid me. Even though Hongseok told me that he knows Seorin likes me, I'm still too scared to risk it.

To risk our friendship.

Call me a coward but confessing to the one you like is hard. But confessing to your best friend that you like her/him is much harder.

A lot of things are at risk. And there are no assurance if she feels the same way or if she will get awkward or if she'll just accept it.

And I don't know the f*ck why I decided to distance myself. I'm really stupid.

I didn't confess, but what's happening to us is much more worse than what could happen if I confess.

Seeing her with Jinho hurts me, especially when Jinho would comfort and hug her.

I should be the one doing those things.

Hyunsoo noticed my very lifeless spirit. She asked if I was okay. Other than Seorin, I have no girl friends.

"I know you liked me, and I know you like someone more." she said and glanced at Seorin who was outside hugging Jinho.

"So what are you doing?" she sternly asked. I shrugged at her, my face looking like a sad puppy.

"If I were you, I would already make a move before it's too late."

I glanced at them and saw Jinho ruffle her hair then smile at her. His gaze was different, it had something.

There is something inside of me that wants to scream or punch something. I feel like something is burning inside me. I feel like there's something punching my stomach and chest. Even though I want to, I can't take my eyes off them.

Stupid, I'm already hurting yet I'm still watching them.

I sighed, I'm really jealous but what can I do?

"You know, maybe it's time to risk." Hyunsoo said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I realized she's right, I can no longer stand this. I like her, and I want to tell her that.

I want to approach her, but Mr. Lee, our P.E. teacher came. He said that we're gonna play some games. Knowing Seorin, she's the playful type.

I grinned when I saw her using some dance moves I made during dodgeball. As for hide and seek, I followed her so we can talk. But I stayed at a corner for a few minutes so it wasn't obvious that I was following her.

But it was so hot that time that I was sweating. I decided to join her in the closet when I heard Wooseok calling my name.

We were in a really close position while hiding, she wanted to say something but I shushed her immediately because I heard Yeeun's voice outside.

I didn't want them to see us in a position like that. I don't know, they just might think about it in a wrong way.

Good thing the game stopped before we got caught. And I was so surprised and felt my heart beat fast when Seorin told me that she wanted to talk.


"So uhm, let's go?" Seorin asked when I got out of the classroom. I fetched a rose from my bag to give it to her.

I bought the rose earlier this morning because I had a gut feeling that I should. Looks like I'm gonna use it today.

We were walking together to our hangout place, which is the garden when we bumped into Jinho.

"Oh hey Seorin!" he greeted with his oh so sweet voice. He's my close friend but I can't help getting a bit annoyed.

"Aren't you gonna greet me?" I asked cutely as always. My cuteness is natural.

He looked at me with a disgusted look. I raised an eyebrow, "You always hang out with Seorin. Don't you miss me even a little bit?"


"Even a little? Like your height?" I mocked him. I don't wanna be rude to him just because of my jealous ass but I can't help it so I guess I'm gonna  express my sassiness through a joke.


I chuckled, even if I'm jealous of him I still really love his reaction whenever I tease him. "Excuse us but we gotta go."

"To where?"

I didn't answer him and just winked instead. He looked at me with a grumpy look as I pulled Seorin to the garden.

I can't believe I can still mess around when something might change my life in a few moments. And it all depends on Seorin.

We arrived at the garden, I walked to the bench and sat while looking at Seorin. She raised her eyebrow at me, but I just patted the seat beside me.

She sat beside me, making my heart beat faster and my hands tremble due to nervousness.

"I'm gonna explain everything." I said in a calm tone. "I'm honestly scared."

She glanced at me, her eyes full of worry. But I just smiled at her and said, "I'm too scared to risk."

"To risk what?"

"To risk our friendship. To risk you."

She looked at me with her eyes as big as an owl. She was about to say something when I pulled her into a hug and hugged her tight.

"Please let me hug you really tight, I'm not sure but this may be the last time."

I act as if I'm gonna lose her, but we don't know the possibilities.

I released from the hug and handed her the rose. "Seorin, I-"

Can I really do this?

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