Chapter 37

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Family Dinner

"Why and where are we going?" I asked Hui who is busy packing his stuff.

After the girls left, I went to look for Kino but he already went home. So that leaves me with Hui.

"Mom said it's almost Christmas, and we have to spend some family time together."

"For how long?"

"A week, I think?"

"Where are we going?" he shrugged, so I just went to my room.

I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling, feeling relieved that it's the start of our Christmas vacation.

I immediately sat up when I remembered something.

Vacation means no school tomorrow, which means...


I immediately got my laptop and started searching for a new k-drama I haven't watched.

I was still deciding whether I should watch Hotel del Luna or Touch Your Heart when Hui called me for dinner.

I said pass since I'm still full from the pizza and chicken we ate earlier but he said mom brought a cheesecake. I immediately went downstairs and found them at the table, mom preparing the food.

I sat beside Hui and reached for a piece of garlic bread. I'm kind of confused why there are a lot of food prepared, but I just shrugged it off. "Where are we going tomorrow?"

"We are going to Japan."

I chocked and looked at them with wide eyes. "Seriously? Why did you tell me this just now?"

Hui passed me a glass of water, "Jeez, be careful sis." I turned to him,

"Did you know about this?"

He shook his head. "Just earlier when they got home."

"And this is for a week long?" they nodded. "You should have told me earlier so I could've prepared."

They smiled sheepishly, "Sorry honey, we just got the tickets today. We were originally suppose to go to Nami Island but your dad won in a raffle."

"What time is our flight?"

"3 in the afternoon."

"Then I guess I'll spend the remaining time at Kino's."

"Are you kids dating?" Mom asked making my eyes wide. I heard Hui snicker while dad is staring at me with a serious expression.

I gulped at dad's look. I turned to mom and shook my head. "No, we're just friends."

"Really?" mom said with a smirk, looking amused. "Then why are your cheeks turning red?"

I immediately covered my face and heard mom and Hui laughing at me. "I'm just messing around with you sweetie."

I pouted at her, until dad coughed. The table became silent as we look at him.

"Kino is a good kid. He's responsible, kind, and prioritizes his family."

I felt nervous looking at his serious face. I turned to Hui and saw him teasing me, mouthing the words 'you're dead'.

I secretly glared at him until dad continued, "And so...

"How come you kids aren't dating? Both of you are really close with each other. And it looks like he'll be a good boyfriend for you."

My jaw dropped. Mom is agreeing with dad while Hui is applauding. I slapped my forehead. All my nervousness was for nothing.

A loud knock was then heard from the door. Hui stopped clapping while mom asked me to open it.

I was greeted with a smiling Kino, with his parents and sister behind him. "Good evening Seorinnie! Your parents invited us for dinner."

I bowed, "Oh come in come in. Good afternoon mr. and mrs. Kang, and Minju."

They smiled at me as they bow and enter, later on greeted by my parents and Hui. I turned to Kino who was still smiling, "What's with the dinner?"

He shrugged and pulled me to the dining area.

They discussed about our Japan trip, with the Kangs being excited for us and all. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard Yuto's name.

"Seorin's friend Yuto will be with us tomorrow. He'll serve as our tour guide." mom said with a laugh.

I noticed Kino's eyebrow raised, I smirked.

"Yuto's coming with us?" I excitedly asked mom earning a nod from her.

I felt Kino's foot kick me under the table. I glanced at him and his eyebrows were knitted together, making me burst out laughing.

Everyone looked at me quizically so I excused myself to go to my room. As I got up, I looked at Kino, signalling him to follow me.

"I'll go with Seorin." he said. Mom and Hui was looking at me with a teasing look, while dad raised an eyebrow but later on grinned.

I mentally slapped my forehead and proceeded upstairs to my room, followed by Kino. When we reached there, I plopped on my bed while Kino crossed his arms.

"Were you doing that on purpose?" he grumpily asked. I looked at him with innocent eyes and asked, "What?"

He sighed, "Nevermind."

I grinned and opened my arms for a hug. But he walked slowly towards me with a serious gaze making me gulp.

"What are you doing?"

he smirked.

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