Ch:16 Just Returning Dad His 'Favor'

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Favor[noun] an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.


How can a once loving family became like this? How can it fall apart like this? What happened to the tall and strong wall that was build around them? What happened to the glue that sticks them together. Does it not work anymore? Why did the wall fall apart now? Why can't it last longer?

Because when they built it. The wall was built strongly with love and affection. Something unbreakable. The glue was their closeness coming from their time together and all the good memories. But now the wall fell apart and the glue had gotten less sticky.

Is it because the love and affection that was the structure and material of the wall and glue has gotten weaker and weaker as time goes by?

The answer is yes. The material of the wall lowered in quality and now the wall is breaking because it's not strong enough. Something that would eventually happened, it just depends on the matter of time.


"Louis? You're home?" Josh called out to his son as he arrived home. Walking into the kitchen,Louis was propped against the table, having a bowl of apples with peanut butter on the side while he's doing homework.

Louis didn't reply and continue acting as if his father didn't exist.

"How's your day?" Josh was disappointed by the silence but still tried to start a conversation with his one and only son.

Louis grabbed the last piece of his apple and put it in his mouth before bring the bowl to the sink. He grabbed all of his books and bag from the table and walked upstairs not giving any care in the world to Josh.

Because to Louis, Josh deserved it. He ruined his mother. He broke her into pieces and left her behind for another woman. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that he actually have a son. And Louis had grew to accept that. He had grew to accept that he's a child that doesn't have a dad but only a mom.

He never cared about Louis so why now? Why does he pretend to care now?

If to Josh, Louis never existed just until now. Then to Louis, Josh will never exist in his eyes too.

You received what you give. That is just how it works. Or at least that's how it works in Louis's mind.

Josh knew he made terrible mistakes in the past, maybe he still does now. He never really took part in his son life, something that a proper father must contribute. That is probably why Louise hates his guts. Josh didn't blame him. But he blamed himself.

If only if he could turn back time he would have taken care of Louise, helps him with his homework, plays with him, talk to him about cars, watches movies with him. If he could turn back time, he would treat his wife like a queen because that is what she deserved. But he it's too late now so instead he is determined to make the present and future better.

[To Be Continued]

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