Why Did It Have To Be Him

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Pamela was so excited Finally the day had come for her to leave home and go to college to study to become a doctor. Pamela pulled up at Boston university she grabbed her bags out of her car and headed in to enrol herself.

Pamela- Hi Pamela Martinez

Eileen- Here you go Pamela, this is all your info you need and here is your key for your room which you will be sharing 

Pamela- Oh great do you know who?

Eileen- No sorry 

Pamela- That's OK i'll just have to meet then later 

Pamela headed to her dorm and found her room as she was about to enter two people walking by stopped her.

???- Oh Look she must be a newbie 

???- Your right, what your name?

Pamela- I'm Pamela and you two are?

Mercedes I'm Mercedes and this is Austin  

Austin- Nice to meet you 

Pamela- So are you two Newbies

Austin- No we're Oldies 

Mercedes- I'm not old thank you very much 

Pamela- So Have either of you seen my Roommate 

Austin- I did early, He seem quite busy at the time so I didn't speak to him. 

Mercedes- So what are you studying?

Pamela- Medical science 

Mercedes- How funny Me and Austin both are studying that 

Austin- Yeah so if you ever need help with any of your work let us know and we'll help you out 

Pamela- Aw Thanks I really appreciate that 

A few hours later 

Pamela had just finished unpacking all her stuff and setting her room up, she sat down and started to watch the Big bang theory when there was a knock at the door. Pamela opened the door to see her two new friends Mercedes and Austin stood there.

Pamela- Hey what are you two doing?

Mercedes- We going to a movie night in the main hall do you want come?

Pamela- Sure why not

The three of them spent the night watching the horror movie night special in the main hall, Pamela couldn't believe how much she was enjoying college she was looking forward to studying to become a doctor and best of all she had already met two amazing people that she was glad to call her friends. 

Pamela thought to herself things are gonna be different then school I'm going to enjoy my time here and not have people pick on me because of my life and past. 

When the movie special had finished the three of them walked back to their dorm, Pamela said her goodbyes to her new friends before heading in her flat, She then notice that her Roommate must be in because the TV on. 

Pamela- Anyone home?

???- I'll be down in a minute 

Pamela- OK

Pamela walked to the fridge and grabbed herself a can of coca cola, she heard footsteps behind her as she opened her coke can. Pamela turn round to introduce herself and froze when she saw the person stood in front of her.

???- Are you OK?

Pamela- No this can't be happen 

???- What can't be happen Pamela 

Pamela- You remember me 

???- Of course I do, I mean how could I forget the cry baby 

Pamela- Don't call me that. I'm not that and I never was 

???-  Well Time will tell if you still are a cry baby. Oh I didn't introduce myself I'm Fergal Devitt 

As Fergal went and sat on the sofa, All Pamela could think about was what he and his mates did to her back in school. She then thought to herself Why did it have to be him. 

Here is My First chapter of The Roommate which was requested by tosh879 I hope you enjoyed it. What Will happen Next???? Will Fergal Make Pamela's life at college a living hell???? Will Pamela tell Sasha and Xavier about Fergal and her Past with him??? Until Next time xxx 

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