You're Such An Evil Monster

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After breaking in to Pamela's house and taking her hostage Josh demanded Adam and Zeke to take Pamela upstairs into her room as Josh followed behind them before walking in to Duncan's nursery. Josh walked up to the cot and saw his son sleeping peacefully as he gently lean down and stroked the baby face.

Josh- Soon we be together as a family my boy, I just need to teach mummy a lesson first 

Josh walked out of the baby's room and in to Pamela and Fergal's room to see Pamela being held down by Adam and Zeke. Josh smirks as he walks up to the bed before running his hand along the duvet. 

Josh- So this is where Fergal takes you, Well now I'm going to take you right here in this bed. Zeke, Adam pin her down.

Adam and Zeke throw Pamela on to the bed before holding her down as they watch Josh begin to unbuckle his pants.

Josh- I'm gonna make you wish you never reported me to the police and if you think the first time I took you when you was a virgin was bad it got nothing on the pain I'm about to cause you. 

Suddenly Zeke sees Josh in his true light and that he is nothing more than a Psychotic rapist, Zeke quickly pushes Adam away from Pamela and pulls her to the end of the bed where he is standing.

Josh- What the hell Zeke?

Zeke- Josh you need to stop this 

Josh- Are you be serious? Your telling me what to do 

Zeke- Josh Just let her go 

Josh- NO, Now either you pin her down while I take her or else 

Zeke- No I won't I want nothing to do with this but I am getting Pamela and her baby out of here and far away from you. 

As Zeke when to take Pamela's hand, a gunshot rang of within the room as Pamela looked up and saw Zeke drop to the floor in front of her. Pamela looked up at Josh to see him holding a gun in his hand.

Pamela- You're such an evil Monster 

Josh- Shut up unless you want to end up like that traitor 

Adam watches on now scared of josh but he now knows he has to get out and help Pam.

Josh- You gonna help or what?

Adam- Why don't I keep a look out in case Fergal comes back

Josh- Good thinking 

As Josh turns back to Pam and he gets on the bed pinning her down 

 Josh- I'm going to enjoy taking you on yours and Fergal's bed 

As he forces himself on Pam who's screaming, Adam can't take it seeing Pam so defenceless. Suddenly he snaps grabbing a baseball bat near the bed and whacking Josh over the head with it.

Pamela sits up to see Adam holding the baseball bat in his hand as he glances up from Josh body which is on the floor and looks at her.

Pamela- No please don't hurt me 

Adam- It's OK I'm not going to hurt you but we need to get you and Duncan out of here. 

Adam watches Josh as Pamela runs in to Duncan's room gently picking Duncan up out of his cot as she walking out of his room Adam pulls her to the stairs, As she looks in the bedroom she can see Josh has regain consciousness.

Adam- Come on hurry, Now go down the stairs and out of the front door and don't stop running no matter what about to happen just get out of here. Do you understand?

Pamela- Yes, Thank you Adam she said leaning up to kiss his cheek 

Adam- Your welcome now go 

 As she quickly rushes and runs down the stairs as she hears josh yelling at Adam for letting her escape before Pamela hears another gun shot and she tears softly run down her face. Pamela gets to the door and opens it running out of the house with a crying Duncan in her arms just as she runs out she bumps into Fergal.

Fergal- Pamela, What the hell is going on?

Pamela- It's Josh he broke in and he Just killed Zeke and Adam 

Fergal- What?,Why?

Pamela- They tried to help me escape and now there dead she said falling in to his arms 

Fergal- Shh it's OK 

Suddenly as Fergal was consoling Pamela He saw a bloodied Josh step out of the house, Fergal quickly unwrapped his arms from around Pamela and pushed her and Duncan behind him protecting them as Josh raised his gun up to Fergal. The two stood staring at each other as Sirens began to ring out in the background.

Josh- Your Life is gonna end right here, right now So I can Finally have my family 

Fergal- Killing me won't make Pamela and Duncan love you or become your family. But if thats what you believe go ahead shoot me 

Pamela- Fergal Noo please don't do this Josh 

As Josh gets ready to pull the trigger on Fergal with a Crouched scared Pamela cradling Duncan in her arms behind him. Suddenly a gunshot rings out, everyone freezes as Fergal looks up and see Josh drops to the ground in front of him before the cops come over and handcuff him. 

After Josh is taken away Fergal hugs Pamela as she cries in his arms at the thought that she nearly lost Fergal. 

Fergal- Hey it's OK I here for you and I always will be 

Pamela- I know, But how did the cops get here I didn't ring them and neither did Adam

Fergal- I did, I called the cops after you didn't answer the phone. See I'm always one step ahead of him and always looking out for you and Duncan he said as he kissed Pamela. Now lets go to mum and dad house tonight 

Pamela- OK lets go 

After being taken to Jail, Josh begin to start mapping out plan on breaking out of jail and Getting Pamela and his son one and for all and will do what ever it take to get what he want even if that means Killing Fergal in front of Pamela. 

OMG..... What Will Happen Next???? What will happen when Josh Escape Jail, Will he get what he wants...Pamela and Duncan??? Will Josh ruin Pamela and Fergal wedding day or wedding night???? How Will Josh React when Pamela tells him something he doesn't want to hear and what do you guys think Pamela will tell Josh???? Until Next Time xxxx

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