Oh We Gonna Do More Than Just Touch Her, So Just Sit Back And Enjoy The Show.

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Over the next few days Mercedes and Austin start to notice That Pam and Fergal have become very close and intimate.

Austin- What the deal with you and Fergal , Pamela

Pamela- What do you mean?

Mercedes- Well you been all over him the last couple of days. What's going on?

Pamela- Me and Fergal are together

Austin- What ! as in a relationship?

Pamela- Yes

Mercedes- Pamela The guy your with is the same guy that raped you in high school

Pamela- I know but he changed honestly he not the same guy he was in school

Mercedes- Well If he makes you happy then I'm happy for you both.

After Pamela had finished studying with Austin and Mercedes she decided to goes back to the flat before Fergal who was getting them some food from the cafe.

Pamela walked into the flat and was instantly ambushed by Fergal's mates and Nick who dragged her in to Fergal room, Adam and Zeke pinned her down as Nick and josh Striped her and tire her to bedposts. Nick then goes to climb on top of Pamela but Josh stop him.

Josh- Wait our audience isn't here yet

Just at that moment Fergal comes home with the food he puts it down in the kitchen and calls out for Pamela.

Fergal- Babe, Pamela I'm home sweetheart

Fergal walks down the hallway and open Pamela's door but find she is not in her room, he then smiles as he walk down the hall and in to his room expecting to see Pamela with a surprise for him but when he walks in he see Pamela naked tire down to the his bed. Just as Fergal walks up to help Pamela he is pounced on by Adam,Zeke and Nick who beat him down before tiring him to a chair by his bed.

He then sees Josh standing next to a Bed running his hand over Pamela chest as Josh smiles at him

Josh-our audience is here boys, let's have fun

Fergal trys to move but can't as he is forced to watch his mates start to abuse Pamela who is sobbing as the boys start touching her.

Fergal- Stop, Leave her alone don't touch her

Josh- Oh we gonna do more than just touch her and theres nothing you can do about it so just sit back and enjoy the show. Nick she all yours

Fergal watched as Adam and Zeke held Pamela down as Nick climbed on top of her all the time Pamela was Begging them to stop, yelling No.

Nick reached in between her legs spreading them before sitting in the middle of her legs. He quickly undid his trousers exposing his manhood, As Pamela tried to escape Adam and Zeke clutches.

He quickly laid on top of her before wrapping a hand round her neck as he hardened the grip on Pamela's neck as he forcefully entered her, Pamela screams were muffled as she felt him enter her body, she cried out tears of pain.

Suddenly something inside of Fergal explodes and anger him to the point he breaks the cable ties round his wrists and feet before shooting out of the chair and attacking Nick throwing him off of Pamela and into the wall before going and attacking his mates.

Suddenly the four men retreat and run out of the flat as Fergal chases them out, he watches them run down the hallway before running back to his room to check on Pamela who hasn't moved since he pulled Nick off of her.

Fergal untied Pamela from the bed as she curled up and began to cry

Fergal- Shh it's over now I'm so sorry Pam he said wrapping is arms around Pam's bruised and broken body.

Fergal laid down with Pamela and cradled her as she cried in to the bed sheets. 

What Will Happen Next???? Will That be the Last of Josh and Nick ???? How Will Fergal and Pamela move on for this, Will they be able to move on or Will this be the end of them???? Until Next Time xxx

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