Meet the Parents

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A week Later

Today Fergal and Pamela parents were coming to see their new grandson, Fergal walked through the door with his parents Leonie and Fintan as he called up to Pamela who was getting Duncan dressed.

As Pamela walked downstairs she was greeted by Leonie Fergal's mother before being greeted by Ferg's dad Fintan as the pair cooed over Duncan before Pamela handed him over to Leonie to hold.

Fintan- Do you know that all she gone on about is holding her grandson.

Leonie- He looks alot like you Pamela

Pamela- Thanks

Fintan- How are you feeling?

Pamela- Still a bit sore but your son taking good care of me

Leonie- Well that good to hear and listen it always hurt more with baby no.1 the more you have have the less it hurt afterwards

Fergal- Mum we not having anymore yet

Pamela- I'm sure your mum not suggesting that

Fintan- Oh she might be. When are you parents arriving?

Pamela- Soon

One hour later

Pamela was sat chatting to Fergal's parent when Pamela's mum arrived she walked into the house to see her daughter sat with her rapist and his Parent's.

Pamela's Mum- I can't believe this

Pamela- Mum you're here she said running up cuddling her

Pamela mum watched as Pamela's rapist got up holding her grandson

Pamela Mum-What's that doing here

Pamela- His name is Fergal mum

Pamela's Mum- No, I can't believe this Pamela, He raped you he is nothing but a rapist

Pamela- Mum he has changed he not like he was back in school, He loves me and he loves our son

Pamela's Mum- He loves you does he, are you sure he does and he didn't rape you and take advantage of you like he did in school

Pamela- Mum Stop it. You need to forget the past with Fergal just like I have or....

Pamela Mum- Or What???

Pamela- Or I don't want you in my life anymore

Pamela Mum- Well I can't forget what he did to you but when he rapes you again or gets you raped by his gang friend. Don't come running back to me with the devil child.

Pamela- GET OUT

Pamela's mum walked out of the door as Pamela turned round to face Fergal who was holding Duncan as she walked towards him and took Duncan from him.

Fergal- Pamela go after your mum

Pamela- No if she can't forget the past with you like I have and she called our baby, her grandson a devil child then I don't want her in my life. I don't need her all I need is you, Duncan and your Parents.

Fergal- Well I was going to ask her something but its clear she probably would of said no given her feelings on me.

Pamela- What were you going to ask her.

Fergal- It doesn't matter I'll just ask you instead

Pamela- Ask me what?

Fergal-Pamela Rose Martinez, I love you and I love our family and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?

Pamela- OMG Fergal Yes of course i will she said hugging him before kissing him as Fergal placed the ring in his pocket on her finger.

Aww Pamela and Fergal are engaged, What will Happen Next??? Will Josh Strike again??? Will Pamela's Mum do something to get Pamela away from Fergal??? How Will Pamela and Fergal react when Leonie and Fintan offer to pay for their wedding??? Until Next Time xxx

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