Actions Speak Louder Than Words But Clearly Your Actions Didn't

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That night Pamela was sat on the bed thinking about how amazing Fergal was and how he protected her from Josh and Nick, when the bathroom door opened and Fergal came out and sat on the bed.

Fergal -What are you Thinking about?

Pamela-You and how you protected me tonight 

Fergal-Well of Course I would your my girl. 

Pamela-  What??

Fergal- Yeah your my girl, Plus the Old Fergal you knew is dead 

Pamela- Well Thanks

Fergal- Now come here he said sitting on the bed.

The couple started making out before Fergal started to place kisses on Pamela's neck whilst rubbing his hand up her inner thigh

Fergal- Do you Want Me to Stop?

Pamela- No, I want you 

Fergal looked deeply into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her passionately, Pamela wrapped her arm around his neck they both let out a moan as the kiss intensified. Fergal laid his girlfriend down on the bed before untying the rope round her velvet robe, which exposed a blue lacy bra and panties. Fergal bent down and kissed the top of her breasts and his hand started to massage her clit. 

After a few minutes of passionate kissing he broke the kiss and moved in between Pamela's legs, he started to kissed down her chest to her stomach before kissing her inner thighs. Fergal removed her panties and pulled his boxers down exposing his erect penis.

Fergal- Are You Sure you want to do this We-

Pamela- Fergal I want this and you

Fergal- OK he said as he kissed her 

Fergal slowly pushed himself inside his girlfriend filling her up completely, he started moving in and out of her as he reclaimed her lips. Each thrust increasing energy as he began pumping inside her, her hips moved in sync with his thrust inviting him in for more, she wrapped her feet round his rear end as he began to pick up speed.

Pamela- I need to Cum Fergal

Fergal-Cum for me

Pamela wrapped her arms underneath his arm and hold on to his shoulder tight as they both cum together. Pamela came undone and start convulsing under Fergal's thrusts, kisses and his touch. He moan as he releases himself inside of Pamela's delicate flower, Fergal pulls Pamela to him pressing his lip on to hers.

Fergal-I love you

Pamela- I Love you too

They both caressed and snuggled each other before falling asleep

Pamela woke up the next morning and was immediately blind sighted by the burning sun breaking through the curtains, she rolled over to find Fergal not asleep in the other half the bed. Pamela got out of bed and grab the robe hanging on the door, she walked in to the lounge to see Fergal cooking breakfast.

Pamela- Morning

Fergal- Morning my Love he said kissing her

Pamela- What you cooking?

Fergal- Pancakes your favourite

The couple sit and eat their breakfast and as they where eating Fergal decided to bring up the topic of the ambush/rape.

Fergal-Listen I know you have your reasons but I really think you need to report what happen to you to the police. 

Pamela- Did Mercedes put you up to this?

Fergal- She concerned just like I am. Pam you need to report this I mean what if they come back or worst do this to another young women.

Pamela- I can't believe you. I don't want to report it because it will mean if I do I will have to relive it all over again.

Fergal- But you'll have me there with you, helping you through it. 

Pamela- I SAID NO and maybe you should of help me during the ambush and maybe I wouldn't have been raped by Nick but you just sat there and let it happen, just like you did back in school.

Fergal- I tried to stop them hurting and raping you but I couldn't until it was too late. Do you not think it killed me to see them do that to you.

Pamela- Be honest it didn't kill you to see Nick rape me it turned you on, I mean it sure did when Josh rape me and took my virginity. You haven't change at all, You still the same vile, evil man you were in school and I've just been to blind and stupid to see it. 

Pamela started to walk off as Fergal ran after her grabbing her arm.

Pamela- Let me go 

Fergal- Not until you hear me out. Yeah I was a vile, evil person at school but I stand by what I said that night when I came back to see Adam and Zeke pinning you down with Josh about to rape you. I regret what I did to you that night at the beach but I would never do that again, I would also never sit and let someone rape you. 

Pamela- Well as they say Actions speak louder than words but clearly your Actions didn't

Pamela walked into her room and slammed her door in Fergal face as he banged his fist against the door in frustration. 

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