I Thought I'd Use You Two As Bait To Lure Pamela To Me

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After Pamela was taken to hospital and rushed in to surgery to stop the bleeding,Fergal was left worrying about her and their unborn baby. A little while later Fergal met with Pamela's doctor,

Fergal- How is she?

Dr.White- She doing well we managed to stop the bleeding and I've done an ultrasound but I would rather like to induce her labour for her and your son's safety.

Fergal- I'm having a son?

Dr. White- Oh I thought you knew already, sorry 

Fergal- It's fine but she not due for another month and a half 

Dr.white- Well if we watch and wait it could mean Pamela ends up having an emergency c-section if we don't have time to induce her.

Fergal-OK so how soon will you induce her?

Dr.White- As soon as we feel she ready and recovered, You can go and see her now 

Fergal walked in the room and saw Pamela sat up in bed, she instantly smiled at him when she spotted him.

Fergal- How do You Feel?

Pamela- A little sore but better now your here 

Fergal- You scared me I thought I was gonna lose you too 

Pamela- Well you didn't because we fighters 

Fergal- The doctor spoke to me and she said that She wants to induce your labour 

Pamela- But is that safe for me and the baby

Fergal- She said you and him should be fine 

Pamela- Him?

Fergal- We're having a boy he said as he hugged her 

Pamela- Omg a little boy

Fergal- So shall I go and get Dr White so she can induce you?

Pamela- Yes 

Elsewhere Josh had found another way to get Pamela running to him as he was about to uses her Friends as bait. Josh had followed Mercedes around all day and when she wasn't looking stole her keys from her bag, It was nearly midnight when Josh decided to break in. 

Josh unlocked the door and Stepped through the door being careful not to alert anyone, As he stood in the lounge he could hear someone in the bathroom, Josh then spotted Mercedes in the kitchen make herself a green tea. 

Josh slowly and Silently walked up behind her before wrapping his arms around her as she continued to stir her tea.

Mercedes- Austin cut it out 

Josh- It not Austin sweetheart 

Mercedes looked up in the stainless steel glass cupboard to see that it wasn't Austin but some strange man, As she went to scream she was quickly silenced by Josh as he placed his hand over her mouth.

Josh- Shut up or I'll blow your brains out he said holding a gun up to her neck 

Just then Austin walked out of the bathroom and saw Mercedes being held captive by an unknown man.

Austin- Whoa Buddy you don't need to do this just let her go 

Josh- Shut up and sit down 

Austin went and sat on the sofa where Josh was gesturing him to sit, Josh then threw Mercedes forward on to the floor in front of Austin.

Josh- Do you know who I am?

Mercedes- No

Josh- I'm friends with Pamela you might of hear of me from when I was at school with her 

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